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  IAVH Newsletter
President’s report 2014
Dear friends,
Another year has passed (almost) and it’s time to report on what we have achieved on your behalf. Well our family has grown a little further; we recently welcomed the 15 members of the Baltic Society of Veterinary Homeopathy, com- prising vets from Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. The venue of this year’s Board meeting reflects our endeavours to make contact with our French speaking colleagues. Our original plan of providing a satellite conference to the LIGA congress in Paris had to be changed due to the high cost and the wish of the organising com- mittee that speakers should be part of the main congress. However we still hope to have a pres- ence there; more importantly our aim is that at Spa we will meet with French speaking col- leagues, at the same time making available some important work in veterinary homeopathy in the school of Marc Brunson.
In November I was invited to address the Homeopathic Medicinal Products Working Group of the EEC. It was an interesting experi- ence and was an opportunity to raise aware- ness of the IAVH and of the issues which face our members, particularly the availability of homeopathic medicines. It was not possible for me to attend the LIGA Congress in Ecuador last July so my thanks go to Marcela Muñoz for attending on my behalf and promoting our association so ably. In ECH, Helene is in dia- logue with the President, Thomas Peinbauer, and Stefan Kohlrausch represents us in the
Education Committee. Nick Thompson has a presence on our behalf on Facebook and Twitter and we will continue to develop these and other means of promotion.
Our projects continue to develop; the MMVH and Research projects in particular, and will be subjects of separate reports: Thanks to Edward de Beukelaer and Mark Elliott for these.
So this has largely been a year of consoli- dation and development. I hope that you the members are satisfied with my work on your behalf.
My 3 year period of tenure comes to an end in July. I am happy to stand for re-election, but I think it is important to have a candidate in place to take over in plenty of time so the changeover is smooth. Please think about this; consider it yourself, or try and persuade some- one who you think would be suitable; or let one of the Board members know so we can follow it up. If you would like to discuss it with me, please email me directly.
So finally Thank you to Helene (Widmann) for her essential work as Secretary, Don (Hamilton) as treasurer, and (last but not least) Markus and his team , especially Corinne, who carry so much of the load of organisation on our behalf. We have a good team here and I am grateful for their hard work and support.
Most of all though I need to say a big thank you for your support as members; if you have any comments, please feel free to contact me.
GGTM for the homeopathy seminar in
Nuremberg as well as the Board Meeting.
• We organised four Board Conferences and coordinated the Board Meeting in
• Markus Mayer also took place in the
Officer’s Meeting in Avebury
• The office cooperated with countries who
were interested in collective membership.
• 107 members were integrated in the data-
base and website.
Currently the IAVH has 558 members.
Members have the possibility to publish offers for employment, job trainings and work experi- ences on our website. In addition they are able to publish advertisements for books and litera- ture of members or other authors.
Currently we have no system to report the number of visitors on our website.
Technique for conference calls
Caused on the technical difficulties of transfer while the board conferences via Skype, the office was assigned so search a new technic for the conference calls.
I wish you a peaceful and fruitful year.
Annual Office Report 2013
Today we tested the Adobe connecting sys- tem with Malene and Marcela. In the last Board Conferences we have had both with very bad skype connections. With adobe system the understanding was very clear and only with short delays. Malene and Marcela were both enthusiastic about the new conference atmos- phere and the capabilities of the tool. But good things has their price ...
   • The office guaranteed the information flow for the members with four BAHVS Journals, four ZGTM’s and three newsletters icluding the transltions
• The office and the treasurer Don Hamilton also managed the accounting
• The office was in coordination with the
The yearly rent rate is 517,65 € with VAT. Non-recurring installation fee is normally 1554,14 €. Till Monday morning we have a spe- cial offer for the installation fee with
660,45 €. That s for the first year 1178,10 €. And in the second year adobe sends a new offer. Perhaps with rising costs or with 517,65 €.
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