Page 20 - Winter 21-22
P. 20
Letter to Jacques Guerin
President of the National Council of the Order of Veterinarians
Dear Colleagues,
This is a rough translation of the letter of our French colleagues to the French board of veterinary surgeons when these publicised a press release against the practice of homeopathy suggesting it would harm animal welfare.
Dear Mr. President and Dear Colleagues,
The French Homeopathic Veterinary Association (VetoHF) has taken note of the press release from the National Veterinary Council (CNOV) relating to non-conventional medical practices. We welcome the CNOV’s vigilance regarding the quality of service provided to animal owners and risks of therapists’ misuse.
But vigilance does not mean monitoring, and even less so disuniting all the components of a profession and abandoning certain therapeutic practices. We subscribe to the concept of a single medicine with the ability of the veterinarian to prescribe, in the exercise of his art, in a responsible way, several complementary or integrative therapies, i.e. incorporated into a care pathway.
“Medicine is an art and not a science” according to Georges CANGUILHEM. An art, at the crossroads of several sciences, whose requirement is not truth, but the good of the work to be accomplished: the health of the patient, and for the rural veterinarian, the absence of residues in foodstuffs.