Page 18 - Autumn 16
P. 18

 continued from p15
 to an understanding of primary and secondary action of remedies, and how potency relates to the energetic level of the case.
Misha described how he treats miasms in the unborn child, considering treatment of the pregnant mother more effective than after birth, using a timeline of the state of the mother during her 9 months, and emphasised the importance of dreams.
On childhood diseases, he observed children took a leap in development after measles, and often their behaviour becomes calmer after chickenpox. Misha doesn’t believe in homeopathic prophylaxis of any kind.
He closed by describing the Tubercular miasm as having rebellion, common in teenagers, and in the dispossessed. In contrast, the key to Carcinosin is conforming. Aids is the miasm of now, wishing to return to connectedness, nature, spiritual connection.
Meanwhile, to another smaller group, Nick Thompson discussed some of the products, supplements, and nutraceuticals he has found useful in practice. There was lively discussion of products useful for crystalluria, epilepsy, cognitive dysfunction, stress, parasites, digestive upset, and cancer. The PP presentation is available directly from Nick to interested persons:
Mark Elliott followed with a discussion of the Banerji protocols for specific problems. Some of these are available in the proceedings and online; Mark has found certain remedies and protocols more effective in animals than others. He feels that such symptomatic prescribing is helpful when the severe pathology of cancer has progressed to the point where the individual can not respond constitutionally, or when the case does not have a clear constitutional picture other than the pathologic changes.
Saturday night was the Congress dinner and awards presentation; awards were distributed by the Prez, Jane Keough, and the inimitable Jack Hoare. Lise Hansen was awarded the Vetri-Science Cup for her contribution to the organisation and the
Mark Carpenter (inset) and Geoff Johnson
  Jane presents Lise Hansen with a temporary substitute for the Vetri-Science cup
wider homeopathic community. Lise organised and implemented the Danish veterinary homeopathy course; teaching was a cooperative effort with Geoff, Peter, Sue, and other qualified instructors.
A number of the newly qualified graduates attended the conference, and it was evident that they had received a high standard of homeopathic education. One of the graduates who was unable to attend was Rikke Schultz. Rikke was awarded the Endeavour Shield in absentia, for her perseverance in the face of obstacles to attend the course, and qualify in veterinary homeopathy. The Churchill Cup was presented to Sara Fox Chapman for contributions to the BAHVS Mag. Following dinner, dancing with the band Permageddon included lively shenanigans, involving degenerate rocker wigs and inflatable guitars, but to appreciate that, you really had to be there!
For a few devotees and early risers, Mark Carpenter led a meditation session.
Thank goodness we had Geoff [Johnson] to rouse us on Sunday morning with his contagious enthusiasm, extensive knowledge, and Geoff-ness! Geoff took us “to infinity and beyond” with the periodic
table. He started with a review of the themes of the rows and ‘The Bridge’ analogy of the columns [see front cover of this mag]. The following Congress attendees presented cases: Tim Couzens (in absentia), Claudia Zollner, Marianne Kjelgaard-Hansen, Lise Hansen (the preceding three from our Danish contingent), Ilse Pedler, Edward de Beukelaer, Lori Leonard (USA), and of course, Geoff. These cases illustrated the themes of the rows, as well as the impact of the column and cation – anion association. This was interesting, as it gave us insight into how our colleagues approach cases, as well as the use of the periodic table.
After lunch, Roger Meacock related some unexplained observations, and how they relate to homeopathy, e.g. the nature and behaviour of light, the quantum entanglement of particles, and distant communication between cells in separate sealed compartments. These, and other inexplicable occurrences, lead to the conclusion that conventional medicine is attempting to assess homeopathy with an inappropriate model.
Charissa Smith hails from Australia, so it was fitting that her talk on the history of veterinary homeopathy related the Australian experience first! She went on from there to the situation in Great Britain, The

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