Page 16 - Autumn 16
P. 16

continued from p9
Education Sub-committee Report 2015/2016
Coordinator: Stefan Kohlrausch, Spain Assistant: Peter Gregory, UK Assistant: Minako Kuroda, Japan
I The Sub-committee edited a number of about 150 questions and answers for the IAVH Certificate to have a stock to choose from for the written exam.
II New Education model. Developing a new education concept based on the basic teaching according to the standards of IAVH including interactive one-day meetings of the participants in between the face-to-face teachings (3 times a year for 3 days). In these meetings the participants have to 1) prepare short presentations of the topics of the seminars to repeat, discuss and practice them and 2) answer questions and 3) prepare a remedy picture each confirming the seminar theme and 4) in the second and third year to do live cases and analysis together. The education involves the modern technics of homeopathy, such as The Periodic Table, Kingdom and Sensation method and working with Remedy Families. New is as well the assistance of experienced homeopaths like our NR Mirijam from Slovenia being integrated in the intermediate meetings as a competent advisor.
This program of education will consist of about 300 hours and has since 1 year been applied to the new education in Slovenia and proves to be very challenging for the participants but as well a very effective and interactive learning process. Additionally, it connects the newcomers with the experienced members during the intermediate meetings and during the seminars, as at least half a day we offer special themes like a Remedy Family for all homeopathic vets for participation to deepen the contacts.
III The first IAVH certification took place in Russia in collaboration with Marc Bär and myself and ended with 3 IAVH Certificates and 1 failing.
IV For the moment the sub-committee for education is working on the accreditation of an education in Argentina to be recognised as equivalent with the IAVH Certificate. This is quite some work but it leads to the possibility of an easy qualification of a candidate, who has passed this education
held by Drs. Carolina and Roberto Gonzales. We will ask for voting of the board on this topic in Vienna board meeting.
V Different attempts to invite teachers from different countries to become IAVH accredited teachers had not enough interest to submit the needed information.
Two teacher requests are still waiting to submit the missing information to come to a conclusion. Information has to be presented in English, as the board only has this common language. Especially Spanish speaking teachers are needed.
I would propose to ask Marcella Munioz and Carolina Gonzales to become accredited teachers for the IAVH. Both fulfil all requirements listed in the standards.
VI Ed. Sub. namely Stefan Kohlrausch has been involved in the organisation of the 1. ECH Congress in Vienna 2016 and in the scientific committee.
VII Stefan Kohlrausch is a member of the Scientific Commitee responsible for the veterinary satelite of the upcoming LIGA Conference 2017 in Leipzig Germany. Paper submissions are already closed.
To clear obviously existing confusions I would like to name the main tasks of the Ed. Subcom:
1 Answer and assist in all questions concerning homeopathic education in member countries and advice
2 Iavh Certification requests, assist, prove, accept or deny
3 Iavh Teacher/Examiner: propose or invite qualified veterinarians, assist and control needed qualifications acording to the iavh standards, prepare a proposal to the board to accept or deny requests
4 Hold the list of Iavh Teachers and Examiners and propose qualified teachers acording to the needs of the request in behalf of language, themes, topic and distance.
It is not the task of the Ed. Subcom to teach! Since I am responsible for the ED. Subcom since 2005 I have never been asked as member of Iavh Subcom to teach.
If teaching is Your wish, become a teacher of Iavh and get listed on the webpage of iavh and present at international and national conferences and publish in magazines.
 BAHVS Congress 2016 (contined from p1)
Also discussed was Mark Elliott’s involvement in a project to produce a small book as an introduction to complementary medicine, with the goal of enhancing awareness of these modalities especially among vet students. There will be short, multi-authored chapters for each modality. Persons with interest in contributing are encouraged to contact Mark:
The educational portion of the Congress began with Tom Farrington and James Hegarty speaking on grief. In the US, at least, an Irish wake encompasses the full spectrum of depth and breadth of emotion, so who better to speak on grief than two Irishmen? Tom and James stressed the importance of treating the entire grieving family, human and animal members alike. They discussed remedies that we often associate with grief, such as Aconite for the pure shock, Ignatia with its sighing, Opium for loss of money/status, Phos-ac, the Natrums, and Staphysagria. They expanded the grief remedy palate by pointing out remedies associated with these ‘grief remedies’, as well as remedies that are less well known grief remedies, Ammon Mur, Carcinosin, Conium, Cygnus, Phos, Salmon, Veratrum. James considers grief to be related to the thyroid, and suggested Thuja an antidote to thyroid trouble after grief.
Ronit Aboutboul’s talk followed naturally; her Animan theme recognised and honoured the interrelationships that people have with their animal companions, and explored how they affect our prescribing. She uses simple repertorisations, and finds that home visits enhance her understanding of the case. Her three cases showed how illness in the animal was influenced by the caregiver’s personality
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