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the material, wrote a statement and phoned nearly all delegates of the EU-parliament.
We were successful. One member of the green party took our amendments over and they were voted in favour for by over half of the delegates.
Petra Weiermayer continued to keep everybody vigilant concerning the progress of the EU-regulation COM(2014)508. So we phoned up a lot of EU representatives in charge and distributed the amendments we would like to see in the IAVH. They are currently discussed by the national and permanent representatives of each country and also the ministries of all countries. Thanks to everybody in the IAVH for helping us!
Baltic States – Ilze Pētersone
BaltVetHom had the honour to host two prominent homeopathic lecturers:
Peter Gregory shared the most important aspects of his own experience in veterinary homeopathy during a one day lecture in BaltVetHom 4-5 December 2015, Jelgava, Latvia. Both veterinary and human homeopaths participated in the conference as well as invited speakers.
We had a great pleasure to meet David Lilley in The Baltic! It was an unforgettable experience – to listen and absorb information and to gain a very deep feeling of the remedies. He held a seminar on the 3–4 June this year, Jelgava Latvia (in collaboration with the Latvian Homeopathic Medical Association):
1 Homeopathic archetypes. Focus on: Carcinosin and Lac lupinum
2 Practical tips – My way of prescribing homeopathic remedies. Acute and chronic. Methodology
A veterinary Homeopathic training program – Baltic Course in Veterinary homeopathy, organised by HPTG was concluded in June 2016.
Since 2009, a three-year modular course has been held three times. The training program was organised for veterinary surgeons and senior veterinary students. It consisted of four modules (each one being three days – Friday, Saturday, Sunday) per year for three years providing 176 hours of teaching plus tutorials and home study covering small animal, equine and large animal veterinary homeopathy.
In future, a homeopathic foundation course is planned, but at the moment it is postponed due to lack of demand and human resources.
BaltVetHom membership numbers are flat; it takes an effort not to lose the current number of members. The Baltic course in Veterinary homeopathy completed nearly 45 people of which about 15 are active in veterinary homeopathy. At this moment we don’t have the resources for the potential of larger numbers.
BaltVetHom will have its annual meeting on 26 November 2016. Members will share their experience in dealing with homeopathic clinical cases.
BaltVetHom has been invited to participate in the annual conference of Latvian Association of Veterinarians on 2-3 March 2016. BaltVetHom will participate in the conference with a separate homeopathic session.
South America – Marcela Muñoz Montoya Brazil – October 2015. I was invited to the 7th
Congress of Veterinary Homeopathy in Brazil, organized by the National Association for veterinary homeopathy ( I had two conferences: the first one about medullar trauma and a second one about the IAVH. This was a great opportunity, because no one knew about the IAVH in Brazil, only Dr Mario Real (who is an actual member). I was surprised about the great level in homeopathy especially about the scientific research. With the congress (every two years) vets – with a minimum 900 hours course can take an exam and become a Veterinary Homeopathic Specialist. Maybe the IAVH certification can be really interesting for them. As a result we have 6 news members from Brazil: Mônica Souza, Cideli de Paula Coelho, Marcos Cucco, Roberto Mangieri, Leoni Villano Bonamin and Ana Paula Nunes Nogueira.
Argentina – In June 2015 I gave a Skype conference about the IAVH to 15 vets. We now have two new members from Argentina – Carolina González and Alberto Dupuis. The couple are very active teachers in homeopathy in South America.
Chile – Dr Rodolfo Alcayaga. Teacher of Homeopathy at the Universidad de las Américas in Santiago de Chile will be a new member as part of the Latino group.
About South America in general: I think the IAVH can become the leader in teaching and certify veterinarians in homeopathy (maybe virtual for topics such as the basics, philosophy, and Materia Medica). For practices in each country we can easily organise them. Central America has, in my opinion, the greatest potential and it can be an important source of income.
Columbia – We lost some members and gained some new, basically due to the relation between the Euro and the peso.
With the Argentinians and Chileans we are now 15 vets from South America.
Education: The good news is that with the recognition of our postgraduate course as a medical speciality by the Ministry of Education of Colombia, we have what we call the qualified registration – the same as any other master, PhD or speciality in Colombia. That gives us a certain frame and makes veterinary homeopathy more accepted to the National Council of Veterinary Medicine. We have been invited to join the National Federation of Veterinary Faculties, Big Step for veterinary homeopathy in our country.
For 20 years, the homeopathic formation did not have formal course in a 196 hours education. Since 2013 we have a formal course (first with 784 hours in two years ) now with 624 hours in presence time in a one and half years formal course.
Actually there are 16 formal specialist in veterinary homeopathy in Colombia, plus the 60 non-formals.
Also, we are giving a Homeopathy class in 4 different veterinary faculties for vets in progress, so we are planting the seed of homeopathy where ever we can.
Germany – Beatrice Milleder
In 2016 the homoeopathic vets in Germany met in May to organize an “Arbeitskreis Homöopathie”, a specialised homoeopathic group within the GGTM, so homoeopathic issues can be addressed in a
more effective manner. At this meeting I was elected as the IAVH representative for Germany, so any and all matters before that are not addressed in this report.
The first meeting was in Nurnberg and lasted a whole day. We discussed some practical issues concerning the organisation and further meetings and then spent the afternoon with homoeopathic subjects, like talking about special points of the repertory and so on. The second meeting took place on 5 November in Wurzburg and was packed with discussions and voting regarding the organisation of the group.
There are big changes in the works at the Bundestierärztekammer (the National board for veterinarians, BTK), which is eager to change the rules regarding the “Zusatzbezeichnung”, which is kind of a certificate for different special subjects, like phytotherapy, homoeopathy, dental surgery and so on. Because of the political make-up of Germany, certificates at the moment differ from region to region and the aim of the BTK is mostly to simplify and to standardize the whole procedure as less and less vets are interested in getting such a certificate.
The current idea is to minimize the curriculum to 80 hours, which is in no way enough to understand and use homoeopathy. However, the BTK is determined and because there is no gain in trying to fight windmills, the homoeopathy group will agree with this, but make it clear that this kind of curriculum is only fit for acute homoeopathic treatment. Instead the group supports a new special homoeopathic certificate within the GGTM that will require a lot more hours and more knowledge. It will be in sync with international standards and IAVH standards.
The second big subject was the description and goals of the new Arbeitskreis, as follows:
• Representation of all streams of homoeopathy • Representation of all homoeopathic vets in
• Promotion of homoeopathy
• Synergy of knowledge regarding homoeopathy • A forum for discussion and information
• Authority in all things homoeopathic for vets,
boards and the press
• Support for young colleagues
• Development of homoeopathy in Germany • Organisation of seminars and curriculums
Spokesperson of the group is Anne-Lore Seyfried, former IAVH representative. The group is already responsible for organising the homoeopathic part oft he GGTM-congress in Nurnberg in 2017. A lot of new faces will present interesting speeches according to the subject of the congress, which is endocrinology. The next meeting of the group will be on the 20 April in Nurnberg. Voting members can only be members of the GGTM as the group has formed within the GGTM, but guests are always welcome.
Third major subject was a report from Bernhard Hornig regarding a speech he heard in Sofia concerning negative PR. The group agrees that negative PR is lethal and that it should be avoided, and most certainly not fed by getting into arguments with groups/people that are against homoeopathy. Instead the goal has to be to promote homoeopathy in a positive manner via articles and by avoiding public discussions with aforementioned people. A group of members will be dealing with this for now.

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