Page 14 - Autumn 16
P. 14
continued from p6
Homeopathy to give some information for the public but, unfortunately not many people heard about the event due to financial restrictions on advertising.
One of my dreams is to translate a basic veterinary book maybe for beginners, because at the moment there is no Turkish book on veterinary homeopathy. If anyone could help I’d be very pleased.
USA – Sara Fox Chapman
The AVH (Academy of Veterinary Homeopathy) became a group member of the IAVH this summer, representing homeopathic vets in the US and Canada. All AVH members have access to the IAVH forum by now. If any members do not have access, you can request it from Don Hamilton, You can also opt out by contacting Don. AVH members have made important contributions to the IAVH discussions already.
The AVH annual conference was held in Austin, Texas from 3-5 June, attracting speakers from the US and abroad. The 2017 conference will be in San Diego, California, October 20-22, in conjunction with the AHVMA. All IAVH members are cordially invited to attend all or part of the conference.
If you would like more information about the AVH, please visit the website at for more information. You can also access the AVH Journal, which contains reports about the AVH annual conference, AVH news, and case reports.
IAVH members are cordially invited to attend the AVH Homeopathic Working Group second Wednesday Webinars. These are held at 8 pm in the Eastern US time zone. This is not too convenient for our European colleagues unless they have insomnia, as it will be midnight – 1 am, but could work well for our Japanese and Australian colleagues, as it will be between 8 and 11 am for them. Please email Jeff Feinman to receive information about registering for these free webinars.
The Pitcairn Institute for Veterinary Homeopathy graduated its first class in June 2016; the next class starts in September 2017. More information is available at
AVH members would like to know, how vets in the US and Canada can become more involved in the global homeopathic veterinary community. There has also been some interest in having an AVH meeting in conjunction with the IAVH. Respectfully submitted,
Switzerland – Dunya Reiwald
We are fighting for more hours at the university, we are fighting for more research and we are fighting for more money to get it all done.
But we have our annual CAM meeting this week-end [12-13 November, Ed] and the general assembly takes place there. We have an association of practitioner for large animals, which helps the farmers with homeopathy and we are trying to get more students to be interested in homeopathy by focusing on the university and a better coaching after university.
I will say more in Vienna about it, if necessary.
The Netherlands – Liesbeth Ellinger
The SCWD (Study group for Complementary Working Vets (Dierenartsen)) still has problems
with the registration of homeopathic remedies: as long as no new decisions are made about the new EU-law on veterinary medical products, all remedies are tolerated so far, there is no inspection.
Five times a year the SCWD is giving postgraduate education. Usually 20-30 people attend those lectures. The current President of the SCWD is still Tannetje Koning.
For the second time, Atjo Westerhuis (Edupet) organises an international 3 day conference on complementary veterinary medicine in the end of November in Veenendaal.
Education to become a homeopathic vet: the education for doctors is changed into “AIM”, which means Academy of Integrated Medicine. Not only homeopathy but also other alternative medicine will be taught. There are no vets who applied for this education.
There is one more school, where vets and physiotherapists can follow an education for alternative medicine. There is no demand for a homeopathic education there.
The schools, which organise homeopathic education for non-vets (although it is not allowed for a non-vet to prescribe any medicine, homeopathic or allopathic), get fewer students. But still there are more non-vets prescribing homeopathic remedies than homeopathic vets, although it is not legally permitted.
The new president of the National association of Veterinary surgeons (KNMvD) still has a positive attitude towards homeopathy. He wants to credit our postgraduate education and give us more rights within the association. He also wants to help with the legal problems we face.
Two veterinary “honours” students (students, who perform with excellence and therefore get extra learning possibilities) asked me, if they could do research on homeopathy: the faculty of veterinary medicine allowed them to do so. So I hope that we can start a new research project on reduction of the use of antibiotics with homeopathy in piglets in February 2017.
Italy – David Bettio
Italian veterinary homeopathy has had the opportunity to bring its stance to the Senators of the Republic with a speech by Dr. David Bettio, President SIOV [La Società Italiana di Omeopatia Veterinaria, Ed], at the symposium of alternative medicine held in the Senate.
The considerations concerning the use of homeopathy to face the veterinary emergencies such as AMR [Anti-Microbial Resistance, Ed], environmental impact, food safety, animal welfare and food waste.
To achieve these goals, the SIOV has for years been engaged in veterinary homeopathic training with a three-year course and frontline training tutorials. The SIOV is engaged in a project alongside the organic farming community with Federbio, a organic training body. Also SIOV will come out soon with an ethics statement, where there will be stated the prerequisites for animal welfare. Another project that supports SIOV is linked to the use of homeopathy in bees.
SIOV promotes a new role of the veterinarian that must be a pedagogical role and not merely prescriptive. The Ethics Charter of SIOV outlines the new ethical guidelines on animal welfare, the
sense of the role and status of the veterinary doctor, the pedagogical role that the veterinarians should have, the systemic implications related to the use of ultra molecular dilutions in the individual and in the environment by contributing to the resolution of problems, such as antibiotic resistance, public health, environmental impact, food safety and food waste. In Italy there are many types of farming: cattle, pigs, poultry, rabbits, bees... there are millions of dogs and cats in our homes, not to mention those in kennels and catteries. This has the overall impact (externalities) that is never taken into account. The animals move enormous agro-economies, profits move on the use and abuse of drugs, the use and abuse of vaccinations, the use of high-cost raw materials and energy impact.
Austria – Barbara Wieser
After taking over the Nat rep position from Petra Weiermayer, who became General secretary of the IAVH in autumn 2015, I got to know the IAVH much better.
We contacted nearly all the Austrian members this year by telephone to update their details and also asked them, if they knew about the IAVH and the IAVH-forum. The survey showed that the "normal" Austrian members still have a lack of information concerning the IAVH since becoming a collective member in autumn 2014.
So we tried this year not only to finish the new homepage of the Austrian veterinary homeopathy association (ÖGVH) and send out ÖGVH newsletters more regularly, but also to increase the flow of information concerning the IAVH. The new ÖGVH-homepage has an own area dedicated to the IAVH, where we inform about the EU- regulation and the ECH-congress.
When we realised in October 2016, that part of the Austrian members were never asked to join the IAVH-forum. We decided to send a newsletter to all members and to tell them that we added all members to the forum. We will get feedback at the yearly meeting, which will take place in Vienna the 19 November, the evening before the IAVH annual meeting.
In May the annual "Day of Homeopathy" was organised at the Veterinary University in Vienna, which is an event for pet owners. For the moment, we are only allowed to hold one external meeting at the university every year. We are also having 2 elective subjects for students though, one for basics of homeopathy and one explaining how to prepare homeopathic remedies. The rector of the university just left to work in the ministry, so we shall see, if the new rector maybe will be more brave to allow more "alternative" thinking again.
The Equine homeopathy meeting usually held in January every year was cancelled this year because of the increased work load helping to organise the ECH congress, mainly done by Petra Weiermayer, who is in the veterinary committee.
Last autumn we decided it should be an aim of the IAVH to lobby in the EU. After forming a group we got organised just in time to get to know it was almost to late to do anything, as the deadlines for amendment to the COM(2014)508 EU-regulation on veterinary medical products, also containing paragraphs about homeopathic remedies, had all passed.
Nevertheless we tried hard, looked through all