Page 3 - Autumn 16
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                 Committee – BAHVS
President – Jane Keogh
Senior Vice-President – Mark Elliott
Junior Vice-President – Chris Day
Hon. Secretary – Stuart Marston
Treasurer – Wendy McGrandles
Magazine Editor – Malene Jørgensen
Communications Officer – Nick Thompson
IAVH Representitive – Nick Thompson
Faculty Veterinary Representitive – John Saxton
Mag distribution – Cheryl Sears
Committee – IAVH
President – Edward de Beukelaer
Treasurer – Don Hamilton
General Secretary – Helene Widmann
Coordinator subcommittee for education – Stefan Kohlrausch
Head of IAVH Office – Markus Mayer
Newsletter subcommittee – Malene Jørgensen
IAVH Communications Officer – Nick Thompson
LIGA contact – Marc Bär
    BAHVSCongress2016 BathSpa,UK Report by Nancy Morris and Sara Fox Chapman
All Congress attendees will agree that we owe a big vote of thanks to the organisers, Claire Davies, Geoff Johnson and Nick Thompson, for organising a brilliant selection of speakers, supportive sponsors, a scenic venue, marvellous fellowship, energetic entertainment, and they did right well with the weather, too!
AGM and future planning
The meeting began with the AGM on Friday morning, despite Stuart’s [Marston] absence. We missed you Stu! Look for the Secretary’s report in the Mag for more information regarding our response to the
question of the 2017 and 2018 Congresses. By the end of this Congress it was determined that Sue Armstrong would try to organise a three-day conference for 2017 in the North of England. This Congress would include a first day where other alternative and complementary modalities were explored. Persons with knowledge of, and a desire to speak about such modalities, are encouraged to contact Sue. Peter Gregory and Edward de Beukelaer will discuss with the Faculty and the ECH (European Committee for Homeopathy) respectively, the possibility of a joint Faculty / BAHVS /
  ‘antis’, and the reports of the Treasurer, IAVH, and Faculty.
One item discussed throughout the weekend
ECH / IAVH Congress for 2018. As always, more help is needed, so if you have energy and even a bit of time to spare, please consider lending a hand with the
and still not completely
resolved is the
continued on p14
 The British Association of Homeopathic Veterinary Surgeons (BAHVS) was formed in 1981, to advance the understanding, knowledge and practice of homeopathy. It aims to stimulate professional awareness of homeopathy and to encourage and to provide
for the training of veterinary surgeons in the practice of homeopathy.
It is an open forum for differing approaches to the subject of veterinary homeopathy and it’s application, allowing for constructive interchanges of ideas.
This publication is copyright. No part of it may be reproduced without the permission of the Editor. Material published does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the BAHVS or the Editor.
The BAHVS does not necessarily endorse products or the companies advertised.
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