Page 10 - Summer 15
P. 10

 Acidum carbolicum – an acid against acute allergic reactions and poisoning by Stefan Kohlrausch, Spain
 Case 1
“Pitingo” was a medium sized black mixed breed castrated male dog, who came in as an emergency case at night with suffocation symptoms and a heavily swollen left side of the face and tongue. The skin was not extremely red but very sensitive to the touch. The owner reported that she had cleaned the face of the dog from caterpillars with her unprotected hand about 30 minutes ago and you could already see red spots around the palm of her hand and the lower arm, which were itching. The dog had hyperventilation, 39,6° Celsius and was in a slight shock-like state.
Immediately he was given Acidum carbolicum C30 and his symptoms ameliorated within 5 minutes, the swelling stopped progressing and the hyperventilation was reduced to about 30/minute. Another 10 minutes later the face swelling was reduced by 50% and the ventilation was nearly normal. She had to have the remedy repeated another 2 times during the night and in the morning. The following afternoon the dog came for control and was absolutely normal. Swelling reduced to 10%. No medication needed.
 Acidum carbolicum – an acid against acute allergic reactions and poisoning
Several cases of poisoning through the skin in various animals and people have shown extremely quick healing in normally dangerous or even life-threatening situations.
In the south of Spain, a caterpillar named bombyx processionaria (proving done by Nandita Shah – see the booklet published by K.-J.Müller: Seven Butterflies) causes seasonal, severe poisoning in people and animals. They live only in the pine trees Pinia Silvestre and form big nests, from which the larvae migrate down the trunk and form a procession, like a wandering group of hundreds of nice-looking caterpillars, which attract especially children, who pick them up with their hands and get local reactions mainly. The hairs
on the back of the larva break very easily when touched or even only by wind or sniffing at them causing immediate severe allergic reactions progressing frequently to suffocation. So the encounter often ends with a visit to the hospital for some days. The contact with the hairs from the caterpillar causes large and quickly progressing local oedemas, redness and inflammation similar to the rash after contact with a stinging nettle, Urtica urens (DD but more flat swellings with severe continuing itching with a burning like sensation!) or a sting from a jellyfish.
Another similar looking remedy in these cases can be Apis melifica (large oedemas, quickly progressing, bright redness, feeling of tension, hot, cold applications ameliorate) or Vespa crabra (more acute panic sensations or shock and acute strong pains, which appear
within a short period of time).
Animals often show the symptoms on the face, cheeks, around the eyes or in the mouth. Therapy with a homeopathic remedy made from bombyx processionaria is a possibility in this cases and has proved
efficient in 2 cases.
Case 2
The beach being only 100 meters from the clinic brings in a friend of mine with a acute reaction of the arm after having contact with a fire jellyfish while swimming 15 minutes before. The actual symptoms were a 6 cm wide and 1 cm high red swelling, which was very painful. He had just a few days ago had a similar sized contact and reported the arm had reacted with a huge swelling and a lot of pinching pain for 2 days.
Therapy: 3 globules of acidum carbolicum. 30 minutes later he sent a WhatsApp message that the swelling has nearly disappeared and the pain was absolutely gone. Needed no repetition. What a difference to the experience with the last sting.
Case 3
A very small Yorkshire terrier female, 4 years had been rolling on a few caterpillars of bombix processionaria and the very anxious owner came with the hyperactive and vivid animal into my clinic. The dog showed a slight swelling with red confluent pimples and was constantly trying to scratch her back. The general state was fine. Therapy: Urtica urens C200, repetition the following morning
The check-up after 2 days showed absolutely no signs of illness
Case 4
A 20 kg black and white Border Collie named Fly came in my clinic with a sticky mass on his

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