Page 6 - Summer 15
P. 6
IAVH Newsletter
President’s Letter
Dear friends,
This will be my last ‘interim’ report before my end of year report in September and it is a bit of a shock to realise, it is now almost four years, since I was first elected President. However it is too soon to be looking backwards, so first the good news that we have a candidate for Secretary in Petra Weiermeier. I have known Petra for some years now and have always been impressed by her enthusiastic approach to the Association and I have long felt, we would greatly benefit from her closer involvement. As a member of OEGVH she worked very hard on our behalf to expedite the incorporation of our Austrian colleagues under the umbrella scheme, and it is fitting that a member of such a large organisation should be at the heart of our association. I know she will contribute much to the team and I look forward to her appointment being ratified at the Board meeting in Holland in September.
Moving on, this may be my last opportunity to explore the football metaphor; no one can have missed the controversy surrounding the international football federation (FIFA) and the long-standing corruption within its ranks. In such high places the true spirit, even the soul, of football has lost out to the dark forces of
greed. I can’t help but compare this situation to that in our own veterinary profession, which has walked willingly into a dependence on the financial support of the multinational pharmaceutical companies. Most practising vets have gladly embraced the promotion of unnecessary booster vaccinations, and have meekly followed the commercial pet food manufacturers as they promote diets, which common sense shows to be inappropriate for our patients. Added to that we have a blinkered reductionism, which demands an ever increasing array of technology in order to make the all important ‘diagnosis’, which then neatly sets the trap of the ‘cascade’ – whereby the choice of medicine is dictated by the licensing authorities. Thus we have a profession, whose very being depends on external corporate business. I have some good friends, who operate within this paradigm and strive to provide the very best for their patients within those limitations – yet they don’t even recognise the situation they are in.
Amongst all this we have the homeopaths (and others, who look beyond orthodoxy for the answers). We recognise the benefits of natural diets; we identify the ill effects of over- vaccination; we observe the harmful effects of prolonged courses of antibiotics; above all we recognise the consequences of suppressive treatments. For our beliefs we are criticised and
ignored, but we strive on, continuing to publicise the inadequacies of present day veterinary medicine, and slowly the profession catches up. In a way we act as the conscience of the profession, flagging up the issues and holding to the truth until it is acknowledged. This is vital work. Its importance goes beyond the issue of ‘homeopathy’ and is of global significance. What a shame there was no equivalent to IAVH in FIFA – something might have been done, before we had to depend on the FBI to sort out the mess. I don’t imagine we can expect the FBI to come to the aid of our veterinary profession; that being so we must simply strive on and hold to the truth. In the words of one Australian politician, who suddenly found his tiny minority party held the balance of power in the Senate, we are here to ‘Keep the bastards honest’.
Talking of balance the solstice will be here soon – the point when the earth is in perfect balance: day equal to night everywhere on the globe. So I hope you will find balance in your lives and in your homeopathic practice – and may your patients return to the energetic bal- ance which precedes ‘rapid, gentle cure’. Peter
International veterinary homeopathy Congress in the Netherlands
12th September 2015
Dear IAVH-members,
This year the homeopathic congress of the International Association for Veterinary Homeopathy (IAVH) will be held in Netherlands. This is the opportunity to listen to many high quality foreign speakers in the field of homeopathy in animals. All speakers are veterinarian and have a seat on the Board or are national representative for the IAVH. The topics are varied and practical applicable. All veterinarians and physicians with interest in homeopathy (in animals) are welcome.
The Congress takes place at the Edupet Centre, Accustraat 3-5, 3903 LX in Veenendaal.
Veenedaal is a place between Arnhem and Utrecht, not far from the German and Belgium border. It is one hour by train from Schiphol airport. Cheap hotel rooms are in the neighbourhood (Ede).
The fee is for IAVH-members €80 (€90,- after 31 July 2015;) and for non IAVH-
members €100,- (€110,-after 31 July 2015). All this is including a reader, coffee/tea, lunch and drinks.
For registration please send an e-mail with your contact details to:
Payment is via the SCWD Platform for complementary working veterinarians on account number NL87 INGB 000 405 6352, BIC-code is INGBNL2A. Attn SCwD in Almere quoting “IAVH Congress 12 september 2015”.
The SCWD has accredited the congress for 10 points. Accreditation for PE-veterinary is has been requested.
8.30- 8.45 hr Coffee and tea
8.45- 9.00 hr Welcome by Peter Gregory, President of the IAVH
9.00- 9.30hr David Bettio( Italy):Treatment of Leishmania
9.30- 10.00 hr Stefan Kohlrausch (Spain): Treatment of newborn puppies (+Leishmania) 10.00-10.30 hr Minako Kurado (Japan): Epilepsy in cats and dogs
10.30-10.45 hr Questions
10.45- 11.15 hr Break
11.15-11.45 hr Don Hamilton (USA): Ketamine: emotional and fysical damage from ketamine anaesthesia and treatment with the tautode 11.45-12.15 hr Sara Fox Chapman(USA): Hyperthyreoidy in cats: holistic treatment 12.15-12.45 hr Malene Jorgensen (France): BARF: kidney disease and raw food 12.45-13.00 h Questions
13.00- 14.00 hr Lunchbreak
14.00- 14.45 hr Edward De Beukelaer (UK): How to build a remedy picture according to the techniques of Marc Brunson. A case of Limenitis Bredwii Californica
14.45-15.05 hr Bernhard Hornig( Germany): The building of the veterinary repertory and the milkrepertory
15.05- 15.15 hr Questions
15.15- 15.45 hr Break
15.45-16.15 hr Marcela Muñoz (Colombia): Homeopathic approach to spinal cord injury/ dogs 16.15-16.45 hr Peter Gregory (UK): The use of Carcinosinum in animals.
16.45-17.00 hr Questions
17.00-17.10 hr Tannetje Koning, President SCWD: Closure of the conference
17.15- 18.15 hr Drinks, chatting and good-bye