Page 11 - Summer 13
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Quinton Marine Plasma – Veterinary, Medical and Nutritional Applications by Roger Meacock, UK
Introduction and overview
Since René Quinton first discovered and thera- peutically administered Quinton Marine Plasma in the early 20th Century it has a 100+ years’ proven track record in correcting and support- ing the optimum internal environment of the body. A variety of Quinton products have evolved that achieve this using a single com- mon ingredient that he proved is the origin of the body’s internal environment that has endured throughout zoological evolution to the present day. Containing all known naturally occurring elements in the ideal proportions var- ied only by tonicity, Quinton products normalise and support every single biochemical and bio- physical activity required to sustain life. For rea- sons set out below, Quinton Marine Plasma (QMP) in isotonic and hypertonic forms, should be considered the ideal treatment and nutrition- al supplement capable of regenerating a depleted internal environment to re-establish proper physiological functioning.
Biochemical and trace element profiling with a view to mineral supplementation has gained increasing recognition and favour in recent years. All too often reductionist thinking has led to the development of individual or select com- binations of a few minerals and trace elements aimed at correcting or preventing these specific perceived deficiencies. Whilst this maximises supplement company profits as people buy multiple products to cover all identified defi- ciencies it fails to recognise the complex inter- actions and delicate balance of all the elements in the body. Recent research has identified the web of interactions of just 16 out of the 92 nat- urally occurring elements detailed below in Fig 1. It is easy to see how supplementing just one, two or a few elements in isolation or supple- menting with all elements in an unbalanced manner risks further unbalancing the overall functional equilibrium. However if all elements are given in fully organic and biologically avail- able form in their correct ratios, the body can adjust the equilibrium to the overall optimum and not just to the next best level of function.
Studies of the role of ions and elements within the body have mostly concentrated on those that occur in the body in the highest concentra- tions – Na, Cl, K, Ca Mg, etc. Their importance is irrefutable and figures exist for their normal range of occurrence. However I maintain that those elements that are much less studied due to the difficulty in doing so, because they occur at such low levels or largely bound to proteins etc, play an equally pivotal role in physiological (biochemical and biophysical) function. A 1ppm deficiency in a trace element may have a more significant impact on the biochemical function of an element occurring in higher concentra-
tions than we have previously realised even if the more abundant element analysis is within the normal range. In other words, “normal” physical presence in the body may not corre- spond to normal physiological presence if all other elements are not optimally balanced rela- tive to each other. Likewise, proteins vital to bio- logical function rely on correct micro- environmental conditions that determine mor- phology and resultant function. If the cellular environment, determined by composition, is not optimal, these proteins will not function proper- ly. This will have deleterious consequences that may range for example from altered enzyme speed of reaction to failure of correct DNA expression. Cell function becomes sub-optimal and disease of some sort is inevitable. In some cases only 2-10 atoms of a trace element are sufficient to reactivate normal protein activity, which explains why such small amounts of an ideally balanced supplement, such as Quinton Isotonic, can have seemingly disproportionately large positive effects.
Modern intensive farming practices over the last 80+ years have tended to leech out many trace elements but only replace Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium in commercial NPK fertilizers. Plants and animals cannot assimilate what is not there which led to the oft-quoted phrase derived from a US Congress report in 1936 “Never has the nation been so well fed but so under-nourished”. It should not surprise us that chronic degenerative disease is on the increase at ever younger onset.
History of Quinton Marine Plasma
Having graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree at the age of 15, René Quinton first received international recognition and acclaim for his work from renowned physiologist of the day, Marey and others for his work in postulat- ing and then proving his Law of Thermal Constancy. It was this work that set René Quinton up as an assistant in the laboratory of Pathological Physiology of the Collège de France. This enabled René Quinton to test his hypothesis and subsequently confirmed his Law of Marine Constancy and the existence of an identical “physical and physiological identity between seawater and the internal environment of the human organism”. In his day, Quinton’s theories on evolution were considered as important if not more so than those of Darwin, such was his reputation, yet he has largely been forgotten.
Claude Bernard had previously identified the internal environment of the body as the main- stay of health with disease being the result of adverse changes within this ideal environment that enabled bacteria, viruses and disease to prevail. Despite Pasteur’s now famous admis- sion on his death-bed that Claude Bernard was correct, modern medicine’s progression has been largely based to this day on Pasteur’s Germ Theory.
However it was René Quinton, basing his hypothesis on the evolutionary progression of uni-cellular life in the sea to multi-cellular life on the land, who identified seawater collected
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