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from specific regions within the vortex of plank- ton blooms and diluted to the correct tonicity to be the closest composition match to the natural “mileur interieur”. Quinton Marine Plasma, once collected, is kept under carefully con- trolled conditions whilst being taken back to Laboratoires Quinton in Spain where it is cold- filtered and combined with spring water chosen to maintain the correct pH when the QMP is diluted to make Quinton Isotonic solution. Quinton Hypertonic products are approximately 3 times more concentrated than Quinton Isotonic ones. All Quinton products are pro- duced to pharmaceutical grade.
mination of the experiment. His “secret” was the use of Quinton Isotonic as the daily cleans- ing and restoration fluid.
If we compare the composition of blood plas- ma, extra-cellular fluid and Quinton Isotonic it is not surprising that it can support cellular life in the body as it does in the sea.
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The first stage of his investigation revealed more than 6 million new genes and thousands of new protein families. The ocean has now been recognised as the greatest gene pool on the planet. What were previously considered Junk Genes within our genome are now under- stood to have a role in the expression of genes with more recognised and defined functions. It
Quinton Isotonic
Extra-cellular Fluid
Blood Plasma
Since 1904, Quinton Isotonic has been proven to be the optimum medium to support correct physiological function. Indeed René Quinton himself described it as “the origin of life”. This was confirmed by René Quinton in a series of daring experiments on dogs including his ulti- mate proof where he drained a dog of all blood to the point of no palpebral reflex and replaced the removed blood with an equal volume of Quinton Isotonic. Not only did the dog survive but having recovered was more active and healthy than before and survived a further 5 years at least. These experiments were perhaps even more amazing when you realise that they were carried out in less than sterile surround- ings without the use of antibiotics and without replacing the drained RBCs and WBCs. Many years later this experiment was repeated using a proprietary physiological saline solution. The dog did not survive. Further experiments were carried out by René Quinton and his contempo- ries, who found that Quinton Isotonic was able to support in vitro normal cellular activity of leu- cocytes for up to 4 weeks. Alexis Carrell, 1912 Nobel Laureate for Physiology and Medicine, began an experiment that kept cells from an embryonic chicken heart functioning for 34 years in vitro before public outcry led to the ter-
René Quinton realised that not all water collect- ed from the sea is the same! His understanding of where and how to harvest the plankton bloom as well as how to transport, process and store it in order to retain its maximum complex- ity and biological activity are trade secrets still utilised today that distinguishes genuine Quinton products from other seawater copycat products. René Quinton realised it is essential that the product was never heated or sterilized in any way other than cold filtration in order for it to maintain its unique biological activity. His experimental results could not be repeated using simple physiological saline or by desic- cating and reconstituting the seawater. René Quinton concluded that the QMP produced by the plankton has a “living” aspect to it and indeed more recent analysis of QMP has revealed not only all naturally occurring ele- ments in the correct ratio but, nucleic acids, vitamins, anti-oxidants, peptides, essential fatty acids and other organic acids essential to life. René Quinton’s thoroughness was not restrict- ed to the cold-processing of the QMP. He also specified the geometric structure of the glass ampoules to ensure the higher informational integrity of QMP is maintained. Likewise with the spray products, the gas used to expel the Isotonic or Hypertonic solution is separate in another chamber of the canister so as not to contaminate or denature any activity. Despite people’s fears about modern ocean pollution, QMP is a sterile and apyrogenic pharmaceutical grade product that is already compliant with Codex in Europe.
The significance of the RNA and DNA in the oceans and thus QMP is currently being researched by scientists including J Craig Venter who first mapped the human genome.
has been suggested that the new nucleic acid material inevitably present in QMP may facili- tate our adaptive ability to our rapidly changing modern environment. The more adaptive we are the less susceptible we are to diseases caused by the body being out of synchroniza- tion with its environment.
Our growing understanding of cell regulation; the role of receptors in cell and nucleus mem- branes that control ion gates that regulate the cellular and nuclear terrains; the understanding that nucleic acid function (and thus gene expression occurs) according to the body envi- ronment; and the relatively new field of epige- netics is the proving science through the work of Bruce Lipton and others, that René Quinton could only surmise, as to why QMP is so sup- portive of life and health.
Historic applications
René Quinton’s first human treatment was in a Parisian hospital for a comatose man expected to die the same day from Typhoid. Within just a few hours of the first intra-venous dose of Quinton Isotonic, the man emerged from his coma, started eating and talking and following further treatment went on to make a full recov- ery. René Quinton had a similar result with a man with cirrhosis of the liver and erysipelas.
Following these early successes, Quinton Dispensaries were set up throughout France and such was the success of treatment with Quinton Isotonic that the costs were reclaimable from the French Government under their nation- al health scheme. René Quinton was the first person to use photography to document the progression of many of his patients to health.
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