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using oral doses of QMP to treat conditions that had traditionally been treated by injection.
In 2004 the French Ministry of Science host- ed a week-long centennial celebration of the scientific and humanitarian contribution of René Quinton. During this event a medical symposium was held that announced the new oral use protocols of Quinton Marine Plasma for treating major health conditions of the modern day.
QMP has found modern applications to add to its more traditional ones. If it is understood that fundamental health is totally reliant on the body terrain it is logical to conclude that every dis- ease process that will improve with Quinton treatment. After that it is simply a matter of establishing the necessary dose and frequency of treatment in individual disease situations. The isotonic and hypertonic versions of QMP have different biological effects beyond what one might expect from their difference in tonic- ity. Whilst the isotonic solution is generally anti- inflammatory and more gently rebalances the internal terrain, the hypertonic solution rapidly re-mineralises and supports the body through stress of any kind – physical, mental or emo- tional. The invigorating effect of Quinton Hypertonic makes it best taken in the morning or before physical activity although it is great post-exercise to replace vital electrolytes lost in sweat.
Dentists are using Quinton Isotonic to flush root canals, aid bone and soft tissue healing in the mouth and improve mineralization of teeth. With the understanding that the nasal and sinus cavities can act as reservoirs of infection for the mouth and digestive tract, Quinton Nasal sprays have been developed. There is a grow- ing realisation that routine nasal flushing will prove to be as important as routine dental hygiene for health maintenance and disease prevention. Many people with a long history of sinusitis report significant improvements in a short period of time using QMP nasal flushing.
The Veterinary use of Quinton products is on the increase. I first used it for my 14 year old terrier whose health was rapidly declining with symptoms of PU/PD. After 2 weeks of Quinton treatment the improvement in his health was startling and he survived a further 3 years on no medication other than a maintenance dose of Quinton Isotonic until he was nearly 17 years old. Aged arthritic dogs improve on oral Quinton Isotonic. Some veterinarians in the USA are also using Quinton Isotonic with great results to speed healing from musculo-skeletal injuries in horses in record time. Quinton Hypertonic has been reported to give considerable help as a topical application for chronic ear infection in dogs.
I have found that the Quinton Isotonic is a great carrier of bio-resonance formulae that I pro- gramme in using my e-Lybra 9. It is a great way to help allergies of all kinds especially Sweet Itch and those with severe allergic skin reac- tions. QMP was well known for its beneficial effects on all manner of skin problems includ- ing eczema and psoriasis.
Homeopaths using CEASE therapy for Autistic children in the USA are now advocating 2 weeks pre-treatment with Quinton Isotonic with great results. With this in mind it begs the ques- tion as to whether all patients would respond better to prescribed remedies and treatments if correction of their internal environment and support for their vital force was already under- way using Quinton?
Dittman, R. Is hygiene modern medicine’s blindspot? The link between sinus and gum infection and chronic inflammation. Explore! Vol 17. Nov 2008
Garavello W., Romagnoli M., Sordo L., Gaini R.M., Di Bernardino C., Agrisano A. Hypersaline nasal irrigation in children with symptomatic seasonal allergic rhinitis: A randomized study. Pediatric Allergy And Immunology. 2003
Jarricot J. Practice and Results of the Quinton Marine Method in Cases of Infantile Athrepsia and Cholera - Extrait de la "CURE MARINE" Revue Internationale de Thalassothérapie. (1), Imp. Graphica, Bruges. 1938
Jarricot J. Le dispensaire Marin. Ed. Mason 1924 (out of print)
Quinton René. L'eau de Mer milieu organique (1912: Ed. Masson) Reprinted: Ed. ENCRE 1995
Quinton René, Simon Robert. Seawater: injected subcu- taneously in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. Paris, Éditions de la Revue des Idées 1906
Slapak I., Skoupá J., Sornad P., Horník P. Efficacy of Isotonic Nasal Wash (Seawater) in the Treatment and Prevention of Rhinitis in Children. Archives of Otolaryngology, Vol. 134 (1), January 2008
Thanks to Francisco Coll Sanchez, Director of Laboratoires Quinton International and Robert Slovak of Original Quinton North America for providing information used in the writing of this article.
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 potentised to 30c for Joshua.
Px: cytarabine 30c, give one tablet twice per day for 3 days.
About one week after the cytarabine tau- tode Joshua became very restless and unset- tled, went off food and was vomiting yellow bile. He developed a fever of 40 degrees Celsius. Miss H rushed him back to the referral specialist centre, where they ran further blood work and placed him on intravenous fluids. Miss H spoke to me on the phone at this time.
Px Aconite 200c to be administered to Joshua, when Miss H next visited him in the hospital – just a single dose.
This remedy was chosen as it matched the current acute state and is also a very big remedy for ailments since fright in its own right. I felt, this fever response to be a very positive reaction to the tautode and would ulti- mately have a positive effect. Thankfully the referral specialist centre after analysing the blood work and on close clinical examination felt that Joshua was not in fact suffering a relapse but had a viral fever. Joshua only needed the intravenous fluids, recovering with- in a few days, a credit to their diagnostic skills!
For Joshua’s body to experience a fever reaction in a healthy and normal fashion was for me a very positive sign that his immune system was now in a much better state of balance. Miss H kept the Aconite on hand, should a similar event occur.
8 months: Joshua remains well, but still barks at some other dogs and people, a trait he shares with his sister. Miss H is sometimes able to distract him.
20 months: Joshua has now been off steroid treatment for 10 months and remains well. He has been castrated and coped very well with this. He is also coping with the hip dysplasia and no longer takes Tramadol or has acupuncture, but takes a good quality glu- cosamine supplement and omega 3 fatty acids. He continued to enjoy regular hydrotherapy sessions. His noise phobias are much better controlled, however they still pose a challenge at bonfire night, where a multifaceted approach is used with Phosphorus and Aconite on board, along with supplements such as Kalmaid , T touch Thunder-shirts and provision of a den, into which he can retreat.
It has been lovely for me to take this jour- ney with Joshua and Miss H, with such rewarding results to date. I am reminded again and again that the severity of the diag- nosis and conventional prognosis doesn’t necessarily translate into a case that will be more refractory to homeopathic treatment. In fact it is often the ‘easy’ cases that I struggle with, such as an itchy dog. I often receive the conventional history for a new case and worry ‘am I going to be help this case’ but am trying to learn not to make a judgement about the outcome on, what I see written there.
   Author Bibliography
Roger S. Meacock BVSc., MRCVS (aka “the weird science guy” according to Lee Kayne) qualified as a veterinary surgeon in 1992 but since 1998 has been treating his patients using cutting edge medical technologies. He travels throughout the UK and abroad treating horses, people and dogs primarily. Roger was the first vet to routinely use Scenar/Cosmodic, the e-Lybra bioresonance system and more recently he is the first vet to use Indiba Diathermy in the UK.
Since the successful treatment of his dog “TD” for PU/PD in 2006 using QMP, he has been using and promoting Quinton products throughout the UK. Many people and animals have benefitted who were previously suffering with allergies, sinusitis, skin problems, autonomic imbalances of various mani- festations, inflammatory conditions and cancer amongst other conditions. Roger is committed to spreading the word about Quinton products and their benefits. In 2013 Quinton Health Ltd has been established to be exclusively responsible for import- ing and distributing Quinton products in the UK and Ireland. More information will soon be available at

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