Page 21 - Summer 13
P. 21
Cellular Health and Photon Communication
bySuziMcIntyre,UK BVScMRCVS,DNNNaturopathicNutritionist
Light comes in packets called photons, sub- atomic particles that have no mass, no charge and travel (in a vacuum) at the speed of light! The sun is our richest source of photons, solar reflection from the moon being the second source. Currently our whole solar system is travelling through the densest photon belt for 11,000 years as we continue on our elliptical 26,000-year orbit of a great star. This Age of Aquarius will last about 2,100 years, with a move towards an era of enlightenment and away from our current technocratic age. In the past, times of high photon activity have coincid- ed with great leaps forward in our thinking and development, both intellectually and spiritually. To make the most of this, we need to make sure our bodies are in a state of heightened recep- tiveness. We need to be open in our cells and our minds.
Photons are absorbed into the body mostly through the eyes and also through the pineal gland then disseminated around the body via the meridian system. Many nocturnal animals have huge eyes so are able absorb more of the reduced amount of photons available at night. Hairless animals (like humans) absorb a lot of photons through their skin, even penetrating as far as our brain cells; those covered in fur absorb a bit less light through their skin but direct exposure to the sun is essential for all diurnal animals. Fresh raw food is also a supply of absorbable photons, which are completely destroyed by cooking or processing.
All living organisms produce and emit light (photons) called bio-photons, an inner, subtle light equivalent in brightness to the light from a candle burning 12 miles away! Even during the hours of darkness, cells are bathed in the pale inside fireworks of a bio-photon display. They emit light, as they work and seem to use it to trigger biological processes. For example, mito- chondria, the powerhouses of every cell, con- tain a variety of light sensitive molecules. Studies have shown that cells affected cell divi- sion and energy uptake in neighbouring cells even through glass, defying the purely physical models of information exchange. Light is the inner communicator, even deeper than nerve signal transmission and hormonal influence. During healing, we are lending our photons to the patient. Plants lend their photons to ailing neighbouring plants. In a nest of eggs, the most developed lend their photons to the least devel- oped to bring them up to speed!
Each of the 100,000 biochemical reactions happening in every cell every second of every day can only happen when excited by a photon, making photon triggering a fine tuning principle
in cell chemistry. Each triggering photon then returns to the collective bio-photon field of the organism, ready for more reactions. Cells are surrounded by electron clouds, which accept photons and effectively hold light. As photons carry the ‘universal wisdom’, we have the macrocosm being held outside the cell mem- brane of every single one of the trillions of cells in the body. Messages from the macrocosm are then transported, via water, through the cell membrane into the microcosm, the cell. Are these photons in fact the Vital Force at the very core of homeopathy?
For this and any other transfer of energetic information to succeed, the cells have to be fully hydrated and have the correct polarity. This cannot happen in an acidic or dehydrated body because when the body is in a state of ‘dehy- dration alert’, the fatty layer of the phospholipid bilayer forming the boundary of every cell is infiltrated with cholesterol to prevent the loss of water from the cytoplasm and thus death from dehydration. The key is to reverse this by rehy- drating the cells but of course, water finds it dif- ficult to get through this relatively impervious membrane. Plant fluids (fresh green juices, fatty fluids (coconut water) and oils) and animal fluids (in raw meat and bones) can pass through and so will rehydrate the cells. Flax oil, being mostly the anti-inflammatory omega 3, and sunflower lecithin (omega 6) make a good rehydrating team. Tap water is also dehydrating because it is laden with chemicals theoretically intended to purify it, so you must filter all the water you and your pets are exposed to (drink- ing and bathing /showering).
A raw food diet is the best way to alkalize the body. All cooked and processed foods and fluids acidify the body, making it more prone to hista- mine reactions and all forms of disease.
Pet Plus and Juice Plus (the human equivalent) are great aids in the process of alkalizing the body and ridding it of toxins. Sosatec well-bal- ancers help to protect the cell membranes from disruption from the unavoidable electromagnetic smog we and our pets currently endure, from such necessities as mobile phones and WiFi.
It is also important to note that the use of sun- screens causes skin cancer! The zinc oxide and other noxious chemicals release vast numbers of free radicals on exposure to sunlight, which are one of the causes of cancer. The chemicals themselves are also toxic and thus contribute to cell damage and with nano-technology these noxious chemicals get right into the cells. Also, the use of sunscreens seduces us to stay in sun far too long as our body’s warning signals are masked. Our pets know, when they’ve had
enough and seek shade. We could learn from them! We continue to absorb photons in the shade.
We desperately need to expose ourselves to the gorgeous energy of the sun but sensibly! In very hot climates, as a general rule, stay out of the sun between 11am and 3 pm. In cooler climes, that is the very best time to be in the sun! So use your common sense and don’t burn! Coconut oil, olive oil or Aloe Vera can be applied, if you are going to be exposed to the sun for unduly long periods. This allows us to absorb those vital UV-A and UV-B rays that we have become so scared of but hydrates and protects the skin from damage, within reason.
In the 18th and 19th centuries, Heliotherapy was the most successful treatment for all dis- eases until the invention of pharmaceuticals in the 1930s, when we rather forgot about it. Just recently, ‘Light Therapy’ was approved by the US FDA to treat various cancers! And studies are underway to prove its efficacy in the treat- ment of a huge range of disorders from cancers to hormonal imbalances and infections of all kinds (bacteria, viruses, fungi, moulds and more).
I urge you and your pets to enjoy the massive therapeutic benefits of sunbathing, preferably naked!
Further reading:
‘Timeless Secrets of Health and rejuvenation’ by Andreas Moritz (absolutely brilliant!) ’Cellular Awakening’ by Barbara Wren
‘The Healing Energies of Light’ by Roger Coghill ‘You Are My Sunshine’ by Andy Bernay-Roman in Healing Our World, vol 33 issue 2, ‘Sunshine’ the Hippocrates Health Institute’s magazine which they send out free as part of their mission to save the world.
Further information
Please see and www.juice- and email me on for information about the Sosatec Wellbalancers, which are not yet on my website! ( has informa- tion too).