Page 23 - Summer 13
P. 23

   Barefoot in the Park
Jane Keogh, BAHVS Junior Vice President
In a magazine devoted to homeopathy I hope that you will forgive a little deviation. I feel that for a while I perhaps have the opportunity for some lateral thinking and I invite you to join me on a journey that may lead you outside, if not astray.
We live on a planet alive with natural energies. Whether you are aware of it or not, the surface of the Earth vibrates with subtly pulsating fre- quencies. In simple terms, our planet is a mas- sive battery that is continually being replenished by solar radiation, lightning, and heat from its molten core. These rhythmic pul- sations of natural energy flowing through the Earth keeps life on this planet running in bal- ance – that’s everything on land or sea, from humans to algae. Basically we live and function electrically on an electrical planet. The trillions of cells that make up our bodies constantly transmit and receive energy while undertaking their programmed biochemical reactions.
Yet most of us are totally unaware of our bioelectrical nature. Even fewer of us are aware of an electrical or energetic connection with the Earth, or that this connection has been lost in our developed society. Our bare feet have a rich network of nerve endings, and they rarely touch the ground. We wear insulating, synthetic-soled shoes, sleep on raised beds made from insulat- ing material, and live in houses with floors that insulate us from the Earth.
Over a decade ago a cable TV engineer, Clinton Ober, was struck by the thought that wearing rubber-soled sports shoes or trainers prevented grounding to the Earth in an electri- cal sense. Since the body is primarily made up of water and minerals it is a natural conductor of electricity. Electrical appliances need to ground to the negative electrons on the earth’s surface to function without interference – is it too big a step to consider that living beings, including humans, may need to ground them- selves too?
Assuming that this is the case, what would the health repercussions be, if we are insulated from the Earth most of the time? Is it possible that plastic and rubber footwear and an indoor lifestyle leave us ungrounded and vulnerable to the static electricity and electromagnetic fields in our environment?
This theory is just beginning to gather sci- entific momentum. The concept that a discon- nected (ungrounded) body may be prone to dysfunction, inflammation-related disease and accelerated aging is something that should give us pause, both for our own health and that of our patients.
The electrical potential present on the earth’s surface rises and falls according to the position of the sun. The intensity is more posi-
tive and energetic during the day and less pos- itive and energetic at night. This daily high and low pattern sets in motion and orchestrates internal body mechanisms that regulate sleep- wake cycles, hormone production, and mainte- nance of health.
Inevitably a plethora of devices have been produced, from special Earthing shoes, Earthing bed-sheets and pads (which can be placed on a chair seat), to Earthing patches and body bands for specific areas of the body, where there is pain or injury, enabling individu- als to benefit from contact with the Earth’s elec- tro-magnetic field.
These benefits have been shown to include:
• Reversal of inflammation and thus a reduc- tion in chronic pain
• Better sleep
• Increased energy (and less chronic fatigue)
• Reduced stress levels
• Normalisation of the body’s biological rhythms
• Improved blood pressure
• Reduced muscle tension and fewer
• Reduced hormonal and menstrual symptoms
• Dramatically faster healing and reduced
• Reduced or eliminated jet lag.
Quite a list!
Cardiologist Stephen Sinatra based in Connecticut regards Earthing as a primary ther- apy for his patients, as important to restoring heart health as his supplementation regime of co-enzyme Q10, L-carnitine, D-ribose and Magnesium. Informal tests on 28 healthy men and women showed improved heart rate vari- ability after only 40 minutes of Earthing. Blood tests on 12 volunteers taken before and after Earthing demonstrated dramatic changes in viscosity and quality of the blood – the blood was thinner. This is of huge importance to those with heart disease or diabetes.
The concept of chronic inflammation being involved with disease started to gain serious attention about twenty-five years ago. Studies now suggest an enormous list of conditions related to chronic inflammation, including:
• Allergies
• Alzheimer’s disease
• Arthritis
• Autism
• Cancer
• Cardiovascular disease
• Diabetes type 1 and 2
• Some autoimmune diseases • Pancreatitis
...the list goes on. Can we afford to dismiss this solution?
There is a simpler Earthing method: take your shoes off and walk barefoot on the ground. The moment your foot touches the Earth your phys- iology begins to change. It is suggested that 30 minutes a day will enable you to experience the health benefits.
As for our animal companions, many domesticated pets spent much time indoors with their human guardians. Evidence suggests that they can also benefit from Earthing.
A trial was carried out in 2007 on 16 dogs with chronic health problems including pain, fatigue, hip dysplasia and old injuries. The trial lasted 4-6 weeks, during which time the dogs were only allowed outdoors to relieve them- selves. Owners reported increased energy, stamina, joint mobility and reduced lameness. Some also commented on a reduction in anxi- ety and fear in their dogs.
Not very scientific maybe, but perhaps wor- thy of further research.
So, Earthing is simple, basic and powerful. And free if we start by just taking our shoes off. If some of the recent claims have any truth to them, then we owe it to ourselves and our patients to consider adding it to our healing repertoire.
What’s more, it’s fun!
So let’s hope for an Indian Summer and the opportunity to walk in the dew and feel the sand between our toes.
Earthing research and background information:
Further reading:
Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever? Clinton Ober, Stephen Sinatra, M.d., Martin Zucker Basic Health Publications, 2010 ISBN 978-1-59120-283-7

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