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 Homeopathy – Individualised Medicine for all Ages, Vienna 2016
 European Congress for Homeopathy 2016, Vienna
17 – 19 November, 2016, Vienna, Imperial Riding School Vienna Hotel
Europe’s leading experts in homeopathy will be gathering in Vienna under the motto of ‘Homeopathy – Individualised Medicine for all Ages’ and discussing this method of complementary medicine from a medical, veterinary and pharmaceutical perspective. The first European Congress for Homeopathy will provide a new international platform for the presentation and discussion of current research and practice in the
field of homeopathy.
As a special focus is addressed to the exchange of practical experience all homeopathy veterinarians and medical doctors are heartily welcomed not only to participate at the congress but to present their findings regarding the indicated congress topics, hence shaping this special event with their personal contributions. Details regarding the abstract submission can be found under
Dear friends of homeopathy, submitted electronically through the conference website:
The registration for the European Congress for Homeopathy 2016 is
Register now and take advantage of the early registration fee! Registration under the following link:
Friendly reminder –
Call for Abstracts
A special focus at the congress will be on the exchange of practical experience therefore we encourage homeopathic doctors, veterinarians and pharmacists to present their experience and take advantage of an international expert plenary for discussion and exchange. The deadline for your abstract submission is April 29, 2016! Abstracts must be
Homeopathy United
in Diversity
What makes this European Congress for Homeopathy so unique? It is the first congress on a European level that brings together representatives from the fields of human and veterinary medicine, pharmacy and patient associations with the idea of practical and scientific exchange. This aspect of concentrated unity bears a strong potential to strengthen the possibilities of homeopathy in the future.
Leading experts in homeopathy are giving us their personal appraisal on the value of this congress:
 Dr. Hélène Renoux
Medical Doctor, France
ECH General Secretary
This European Congress organised in Vienna by ECH with the partnership of IAVH for the veterinarian homeopaths and of EFHPA for the patients/users of homeopathy offers the great opportunity to address the science and art of homeopathy from different points of view all around Europe. Considering Homeopathy as a living organism it will treat it a holistic way, integrating in the same approach the works and researches done about the homeopathic medicinal products, and their clinical use for all kind of pathologies, and all ages and populations.
Dr. Edward De Beukelaer
Veterinary Surgeon, UK
“We have a duty to engage in ongoing progress in the use of homeopathy. Some of this progress will come from listening to what happens in various schools of thought, some
will come from listening to those who treat other species and also from listening to those who have an understanding of homeopathy as non-prescribers. My experience of being educated in a mixed vet /doctor homeopathy school has taught me that learning together is the only reliable way forward for all.
Mag Pharm. Ilse Muchitsch
Pharmacist, Austria
Coordinator ECH Subcommittee pharmacy ECH Subcommittee pharmacy will create a special venue for getting an impression about tendencies for homeopathy in industry and pharmacy in the future. Who knows about quality criteria of homeopathic remedies, about starting materials and mother tinctures and about the possibilities of compounding in pharmacies?
In a panel discussion we invite to discuss about special issues associated with the availability of homeopathic medicines and regulatory affairs as well.
The task for a very dedicated pharma- ceutical team is to guarantee the best quality and the availability of homeopathic medical products in the future.
We are looking forward to meeting you in Vienna!
Jack Hendrickx
Industrial Pharmacist, Belgium
As for me, it is a medical scientific fact that evidence based homeopathic medicine (human as well as veterinarian) starts with evidence based homeopathic remedies. An evidence based homeopathic remedy starts with an evidence based starting material: it is a scientific pharmaceutical fact. This congress makes the essential link between homeopathic medicine and homeopathic pharmacy, both based not only on tradition but also on science and technology. The congress emphasizes where the responsi- bilities are; an unprecedented break- through.

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