Page 12 - Spring 16
P. 12

  Enid Segall
President EFHPA, UK
We have a saying in English "United we stand, divided we fall". This applies to homeopathy too, therefore the title of the Vienna Congress 2016 is very apt and appropriate.
Dr.Hetty Buitelaar
Medical doctor, Netherlands
Coordinator ECH Subcommittee politics Subcommittee politics invites you all to discuss within a political panel. This is a very beautiful opportunity to have both Medical Doctors, Veterinarians and Patients Organisation members together to get an overall view on the best strategy for homeopathy within the health care system of the future: United in Diversity
Dr. Leopold Drexler
Medical Doctor, Austria
We can learn so much from the veterinarians, especially Materia Medica from observing the behaviour of animals.
Dr. Anna Pla
Medical Doctor, Spain
Coordinator ECH Subcommittee Research My personal experience attending and participating for the last 7 years at the Congress organised by both human and veterinarian doctors of Centre Liègeoisd Homéopathie in Belgium is highly positive. Every Spring I m waiting the possibility to share clinical cases and different approaches for a better knowledge and application of the homeopathic medicines to our patients.
The European Congress next November in Vienna brings to the homeopathic world the opportunity to learn, share and discuss about the last and challenges that we have as European citizens, medical and veterinarian doctors, pharmacists, researchers in the field of homeopathy.
Dr. Gabriella Wallner
Veterinary doctor, Hungary
Homeopathy is a wonderful, very diverse science. This congress is an opportunity for
colleagues working in different fields to get to know and learn from each other. It's a great pleasure and an honour that I could participate in the organisation of the congress.
Dr. Arlette Blanchy
Veterinary doctor, Belgium
Why mix vets and medical doctors in the same conference room? I am always very sad in the Congress of the Liga to see veterinarians stationed in adjoining rooms.
As veterinarians, we work primarily with polychrests but we use essentially no metaphysical theory or another, avoid anthropomorphism but consider the information given by experienced owners and our patients.
As vets, we are working back to the basics of medicine: observation and physical examination and it may be very interesting for medical doctors to hear about veterinarian work and clinical cases. My experience in other conferences is that both vets and medical doctors enjoy and benefit from these joint sessions.
Dr. Thomas Peinbauer
President ECH, Austria
Our recent publication Homeopathy in Europe United in Diversity tells on 235 pages the successful story of ECH, one of the most important homeopathic think tanks worldwide. It demonstrates the fruitful cooperation of medical doctors, pharmacists, documentalists, researchers and patients from all over Europe in the last 25 years. Now we open a new chapter. The European Congress for Homeopathy includes veterinary homeopathy with its specific approach to homeopathy and brings all stakeholders in dialogue with various invited top experts. It s a unique opportunity for newcomers to start with homeopathy and for experienced colleagues to
learn from each other.
Jean Pierre Jansen, M.D.
Researcher, Netherlands
Coordinator ECH Subcommittee Provings The sessions about provings will be
dedicated to the specific contributions from different provings methodologies. It may be the first opportunity to consider this issue with proving coordinators of different background. Recently published guidelines for provings, harmonised between ECH and LMHI, keep official regulations and homeopathic theory in agreement.
Dr. Antonella Ronchi
Medical Doctor, Italy
President of FIAMO
Homeopathy is an important answer to the demand of sustainability and ethics in medicine, therefore it must be a cornerstone in the development of EU health policies.
We all have the responsibility to share and spread the knowledge of the opportunities to foster the health not only of all living organisms, humans, animals and plants, but also of the environment.
The European Congress in Vienna is a unique opportunity for each of us to play a leading role in such a scenario.
Dr. Tomasz Kokoszczy ski
Medical Doctor, Poland
President of Polish Homeopathic
Society (founded 1892)
Homeopathy is a wonderful gift of nature. It can direct us toward independent health through self-healing. Together we can share our experiences but also deepen the understanding of homeopathy and the nature of the real health.
Leana Rindasu,
Medical doctor, Romania
General Secretary of the Romanian Society of Homeopathy
I am extremely happy to see that the European family of homeopathy is gathering from now on in a European Congress of Homeopathy which will enable us to change information and professional experience in a better way. We have a lot to gain if we learn from each other. Homeopathy has a lot to gain if we stay united.
See you at the congress!
    Dr. Thomas Peinbauer,
European Committee for Homeopathy
Dr. Edward De Beukelaer,
International Association for Veterinary Homeopathy
Mrs. Enid Segall,
European Federation of Homeopathic Patients Associations

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