Page 13 - Spring 23
P. 13

  weight loss and anorexia. Then a new repertorisation brought up Placenta, which caused Corey to put on weight again and remain in good spirit.
Last up on the day (but not least!) was our treasurer Mirijam Blatnik, Slovenia. Her subject was ‘The power of bees in acute cases’. After an introduction to the bee and its venom we were presented with the remedy picture of Apis Mellifica, followed by several cases presenting various symptoms from the remedy, ranging from anasarca in a newborn puppy, and oedema of the epiglottis in a horse, to urticaria in a dog. The common theme was mainly oedema and urticaria, which is of course where most of us would think of Apis as a fitting remedy.
This was the conclusion of the first days professional program. In the evening we all reconvened for a buffet dinner at the venue, with drinks and dancing. Another convivial evening at which our Italian colleagues excel!
The following day our German (now Spanish-residing) colleague, Stefan Kohlrausch had a double session on The Family of Hominidae in Homeopathy – mammal remedies and the animal kingdom’.
First we were introduced to the characteristics of the animal kingdom and how to identify if the patient needs an animal remedy. Most animal remedies are derived from the animal’s milk – the ‘Lacs’. Then Stefan took us on an interesting journey of the evolution of the family of Hominidae , after which he described the materia medica of Lac Humanum, Lowland Gorilla, Chimpanzee and Orang utan. He finished with two cases for us: firstly ‘Bonsai’, a rescue mix breed dog with a bullying behaviour. He got Gorilla M, which did wonders! Second was ‘Tessa’, a spayed female Malamute. She also got Gorilla 30C but for different reasons: aggression from jealousy and various physical problems, which all improved after the remedy.
Stefan Kohlrausch
Next up was Malene Jorgensen, Denmark, presenting two cases from practice, both having had heavy conventional treatments before homeopathy was introduced. Both cases were based on constitutional prescriptions and both cases improved (and are still improving/responding) to their remedy in spite of continuous conventional ‘interference’.
This was a strong call to us not to be reluctant to take on patients who have had extensive conventional treatment.
Then Cristina Stocchino, Italy, lectured on the ‘Tools in homeopathy’. She started with a quote from Kent: ‘tissue changes, which affect the material body, are the effect of the disease, not the disease itself'. After this she went onto
Malene, Helene, Dörte, Don and Peter
one of our basic and most important tools we have as homeopaths: The Organon. Finally, she had a clinical case for us: a two-month-old kitten with infectious rhinotracheitis. According to Cristina, the symptom modality is what characterises each particular individual. Belladonna later proved to be the cat's constitutional remedy. Then she went onto describing different tools which she uses alongside homeopathy: The Energetic hologram by M. Candegabe and H. Carrara; The disease picture with the the symptomatological totality by same authors as above taken from their Omeopatia Pura; the repertory and its advantages and limitations; the Materia Medica and how to learn the remedy pictures through your patients; Finally the methods were illustrated by cases.
After this, Frida Fortuzzi, Italy, talked about Veterinary reading of the Materia Medica of gemstones. First we were lectured on the origin of different classes of stones and the difference between a rock and a crystal. Then we heard about the different stones and how to gain insight into their remedy pictures through crystal therapy.
Next on stage was Andrea Brancalion, Italy, talking about the Materia Medica of Ferrum phosphoricum revealed by

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