Page 14 - Spring 23
P. 14

 the natural form of the salt, and looking at ‘La souche’ (the source material) how the physical characteristics determine the action of the remedy, and how we can study the mode of action through the symptom picture, case reports and repertorisation. He concluded: ‘Ferrum Phosphoricum wants to escape the flu of the environment. Does not want to be disturbed by impressions deriving from the outside. Would like to keep all his being without the risk of being influenced through the senses, especially the hearing (it is a great remedy for otitis)’
The last speaker of the conference was Giulia Spada, Italy, who presented a case report of episcleritis in dogs. Giuila started off with presenting the typical clinical case with all the classical signs of episcleritis , and the conventional drops and systemic drugs which are available. Then we were reminded of the pathology of episcleritis/ episclerokeratitis in dogs. Next, a case of this pathology was presented: ‘Chica’, a dog with Leishmaniosis and recidivating eye problems treated with Aconite 30C with
good effect. We then heard about episcleritis in homeopathy and how to repertorise this phenomenon – good rubrics – and which remedies are mostly used by Guilia for this condition: Merc-s, Thuya, Rhus-T, Aur, Puls and Nux-M. Scleritis was also mentioned with most used remedies: Kalm, Spig, Tereb, Cinn.
This really was a most interesting and inspiring conference and we are indebted to David for all the work he did in organising the weekend. There is no experience more gratifying than getting together with likeminded people, talking, eating and drinking together for a weekend. And when those people are friends from the IAVH the enjoyment is multiplied. We look forward to reconvening in 2024.
L-R Marcelle De Fino, Marina Nuovo, Barbara Rigamonti, David Bettio, Roberto Orsi

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