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  IAVH Newsletter
President’s Letter
Dear All,
I am only just getting used to the idea of being president and I already feel the next few years are going to be interesting. The IAVH will likely take up quite a lot of my time but the energy from the Board and the ideas and projects, we discussed, promise that I will not regret having taken on the challenge. The IAVH has at its centre a group of dedicated veterinary homeopaths very decided to defend and spread homeopathy and in particular veterinary homeopathy. The future is bright!
There is a need for this energy and drive, because even though there is wind in our sails coming from satisfied clients, we still need to drive the message of homeopathy forward, when it comes to the 'regulators'. This was a point that was raised during the meeting [AGM meeting in Amsterdam, September 2015, Ed.]: we have to ask help from our satisfied clients to bring the message to the politicians and regulators, if we want to take homeopathy to
something like mainstream recognition. The 'regulator' will take notice, if enough satisfied clients voice their attachment to homeopathy.
We also have to show 'the regulators' that we are genuine in what we do, that homeopathy has a positive message and that we don't compete head on with conventional medicine, but that we bring a very different and very efficient angle and option to medicine.
One part of this positive message will come from our ever-improving ability to use homeopathy. We have to work together on this. The MMVH (the Veterinary Materia Medica) is one project that is tailor-made to exchange information amongst veterinary homeopaths, so we can learn from each other's experiences. When the time allows me, I will continue to transform the work of Jacques Millemann into an English version whilst adding information. I count on all of you to participate in this project. Jacques' work is the seed of this project. It will
only really grow and become fully useful with your help. (See further in the magazine for a reminder of how the MMHV works.
The other way we can improve on what we do, is by creating good links with our colleagues, who treat humans. That is why we will have our board meeting next year (November 2016) at the congress of the ECH. We hope that you will come and listen to the vets, but also the doctors. Even though each species may have its own particularities, when it comes to homeopathy, overall we can always learn from what colleagues do. It is my opinion that we don't so much practice veterinary homeopathy but rather that we are vets using homeopathy to treat whatever species we are presented with. I am looking forward to work with you all for the progress of homeopathy.
Edward De Beukelaer
 User Manual for the MMHV
Using his experience and the experience of others, Jacques Millemann (now retired Veterinary Surgeon in France) wrote his own veterinary Materia Medica. This work was published in the form of a book in French and one in German. Jacques kindly offered the author rights to the IAVH, which is the source of money we have for promoting the diffusion of veterinary Materia Medica information.
Three years ago I accepted to start translating Jacques' work into English to allow wider diffusion of his work. Jacques' work was very thorough and complete. Translating it all would take a lot of time. I then noticed that within much of the information on remedies that can also be found in other books, there were little phrases or observations and other nuggets pertaining particularly to veterinary practice: information coming from Jacques' and his colleagues' practical experience.
To make sure several remedies per year could be prepared without becoming a monk and work day and night, I decided to extract the essential veterinary information, the new and the original out of Jacques' work, in order to make the information that can be found directly useful and interesting for vets. I also decided to add to this the remedy pictures I was taught, when I studied in Belgium. These were the remedy pictures that helped me becoming the homeopath that I am and therefore are likely going to be useful to you. These remedy pictures may initially look a bit
difficult to understand, but I am sure that as more and more remedies are published and you keep reading these concepts they will start making more sense.
The one important thing about the MMVH is that it should never be the work of one person. It should be come the work of all of us. The purpose is to help each other to continue to learn and to create a resource that will help future homeopathic vets to follow in our steps.
There are a number of ways in which you can participate:
have learned a lot and you will help others
in learning.
3 You can add bits of information to remedies
that are already published. A phrase, a comment, a chapter – anything is welcome, as long as it is your experience. If it is somebody else's experience, it is still welcome, but you have to provide the source (author) of the information.
4 You can translate any of the remedies into any language you like. Hopefully in the long term, the information on the website will be available in a multitude of languages.
1 You can add your comments, when I send
out a message about the next remedy, I will
be preparing. Respond by reporting, how Note
you use this remedy or when you find the remedy is effective and in what species. To be involved you have to be part of the IAVH forum. The message about the next remedy that will be prepared will go out on the forum and you can send your observations on the remedy via this forum.
2 You can prepare a remedy yourself. A few remedies such as Lac-delph, Vanadium met, Limenit-bred-cal and Neon were prepared by myself, after I had a successful case with each of the remedies. Each of the studies is based on the same template on how you can effectuate a remedy study based on the work of Mark Brunson. I can only recommend you to do this. It takes time, you have to put it to the side and come back to it a few times: it is like a ripening process. But once finished you will
1 You can send your participation in any language (please let us know in English what it pertains to, so we can file it in the right place on the website)
2 All information will be logged under 1) The name of the remedy, then 2) The language, and then 3) The name of the author. This will give the reader the choice on how to evaluate any information found in the MMHV.
3 We would like to see the holders of a cert IAVH to participate regularly in the work on the MMHV. This will show that they not only have achieved the homeopathic knowledge to pass the exam but also that they continue to use homeopathy and that they actively try to improve beyond the study of the basis of homeopathy.
4 Any little bit of information is helpful!

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