Page 14 - Winter 14
P. 14
IAVH Newsletter
President’s Letter
Dear friends,
Much has happened in the world of veterinary homeopathy over the last few months but for the Association perhaps the most important development is the decision of our friends in the Austrian Association for Veterinary Homeopathy (ÖGVH) to adopt membership under the ‘umbrella scheme’. While a large number were already also members of both associations, this decision brings many more into the fold. Austria has always occupied a prominent and important place in global veterinary homeopathy and the importance of this issue led us to send a team to the ÖGVH’s annual meeting to present the IAVH to those who would be voting on the change. I am grateful for the work of our secretary Helene Widemann, Petra Weiermarer and in particular Markus Meier from the IAVH office, who made the formal presentation on our behalf. This is an important development for homeopathy around the world and especially for IAVH; our membership now passes 650 and we look forward to more Austrian members being intimately involved with the Association, reaping the benefits of membership, but also contributing their valuable energy and experience for the benefit all. Welcome!
I am very proud of the role that IAVH performs over such a wide sphere of influence,
nevertheless it seems that it is within the EU that the practice of veterinary homeopathy is most at risk; our colleagues in Italy are facing particularly difficult challenges at present. The problem lies in the power of individual member states to interpret EU regulations, which appear on face value to protect the practice of homeopathy by veterinarians, while making specific regulation on its use in food-producing animals. Our Italian National representative, David Bettio, has brought this issue to our notice and we are attempting to provide some support in his endeavours.
We have always had a close relationship with European Council for homeopathy, an organisation dedicated to promoting and protecting medical homeopathy within EU. That relationship is becoming closer, to mutual benefit, and is facilitated by the fact that the President, Thomas Peinbauer, is Austrian and very keen that we should cement the relationship. The officers have met Thomas on more than one occasion, and find him extremely helpful and supportive. To that end we are planning on accepting an invitation to provide a programme and speakers for a veterinary conference as part of the inaugural ECH conference in Vienna in 2016; more on this later, but thanks to Helene and Stefan for their input already.
You will be aware that as the Association grows and becomes active in more areas, our
human resources can become stretched. As well as devoting time to the IAVH we all have demands on our time regarding our work and personal lives. This was the reason for employing Markus and his team to take some of the burden from the Officers, an arrangement which has been pivotal in allowing the Association to grow and become more efficient. However, more issues arise and more discussion, time and work are required. For this reason we welcome Edward de Beukelaer to the officers as Vice Secretary. Edward is already active on our behalf, not least in the MMVH project, but has agreed to become more officially involved in the work, which falls to the officers. I am very grateful to Edward for taking on this role and hope you will join me in welcoming him into our midst. It should be noted that even the President does not have the power to single-handedly appoint officers, but I look forward to ratification of this appointment at the next AGM.
So as we in the North approach the shortest day and look forward to the bringer of the light, and those in the South of the globe look forward no doubt to some relief from the heat, everywhere we have cause to acknowledge the turning of the seasons and the promise of a New Year. I wish you peace, love and success in our healing art of homeopathy.
This will be a three day event and represents a big investment for the association. We are obliged to pay the venue a deposit for the event so we are asking members to commit to coming by putting down a deposit of £50.00. The first 60 deposits will secure a place for accommodation at the venue. Later bookings will be more expensive as the accommodation will be at a nearby hotel. There will however be a minibus shuttle for those delegates to and from the venue.
The likely cost of the conference for three days – accommodation breakfast and lunch will be about £300.00 excl. your travel. We expect this to be well attended as it will be advertised widely amongst the homeopathic professionals.
Further details will be on the site as soon as they are available. Venue website.
If you intend flying VERY early booking is advised as the flights to Dublin from the UK are heavily booked.
More photos of the venue: