Page 16 - Winter 14
P. 16

Continued from page 13
the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone is dislocated provoking a paralysis of the optical nerve. The paralysis is confirmed by a veterinary ophthalmologist, who gives a grave prognosis.
Working together, we try an osteopathic treatment on the skull, hoping to get things back into their proper place. We have to deal with a post-traumatic paralysis of a central sensitive nerve, where an amyotrophy is not present. Combining our intuition, the clair- voyance of my friend and the Doctrine of Signatures we give the dog one dose of Bung-f 1M followed 8 days later by an dose of 10M.
A fortnight after the accident we can observe that the pupillary reflex of the right eye has resumed and that the pupil contracts simultaneously with the left. We could not determine, if Shiva resumed a normal vision because the classical tests are not well adapted for an illiterate dog. The result lasted over 2 years.
Florette had a road traffic accident
Florette is a young brindle boxer bitch, about 1 1⁄2 years old belonging to Mr & Mrs G. She overflows withaffection and liveliness and reveals herself sometimes even a little rushed. Like many pups of her breed, she has not got a lot of obedience in her.
Onedayshewashitbyacarandhasan internal bleeding, successfully operated on by a German colleague. She received then a treatment of antibiotics and corticosteroids. Florette recovers but stays paralysed on her hind legs and shows rapidly an amyotrophy in both thighs.
Clinical observation
2 weeks after the accident, there is a paralysis of the hind limbs with a great muscular wastage. The pads are still sensitive to pain. A palpation shows a deflection of the vertebral column from 15 to 20o to the right at the level of lumbar vertebrae L2 – L3. A cranio-sacral osteopathic intervention succeeds and is followed by the prescription of Bungarus fasciatus 30 CH, 3 granules in the morning on an empty stomach, for 8 days due to the keynote: “Paralysis of central origin with rapid amyotrophy”.
Follow up
48 hours after the first dose, she stands up on her own accord, pees and defecates standing up unstable. She gets better every day, stands up and doesn’t cross her feet anymore. She still drags her right rear foot and leans on the back of the foot.
Three days later she climbs onto the sofa by herself. Two weeks later she jumps down from the sofa and out of the car and hops down the stairs unaided. Three weeks later, she stands normally on her paws. She has a 15 minutes walk and after 5 minutes, she falls down, rests a little and stands up again. She is then carried home.
One month later she has half an hour walk every day. Florette runs after her ball. Her coordination is good for some seconds then she wobbles her right leg before standing on it. The walks get gradually better over the next month lasting an hour or even more.
2 motnhs later her thighs have good muscle tone and the gait is energetic but still somewhat like drunken.
Second consultation: This time we need a proper anamnesis. The bitch is 2 years old now, lively, moving constantly, impulsive and affectionate. As I manipulate her, she shows her disagreement in taking my hand with her teeth but without biting, not even pinching. She worships her owners, she is affectionate, boisterous, sometimes even fastidious says Mrs. G, who is used to boxers. Florette doesn’t really like children: she is not used to them but would never hurt them. The spine seems to be straight, but this is difficult to determine, as the dog moves constantly during my examination. Mrs G tells me one peculiar symptom: Florette’s stools are flat like a ribbon.
Possible repertorisation (MacRepertory)
Stool; FLAT, like a ribbon (17) Mind; IMPULSIVE (44) Mind; MILDNESS (90) Mind; FASTIDIOUS (54)
Remedy prescribed: Pulsatilla
The day after taking the remedy she jumps into the car by herself. She is somewhat frightful and starts at the slightest noise. A week later she is ‘over- fit’, plays like a fool, she is now again a puppy (typical 2 years old boxer – hyperactive), almost too active, says her owner, who is used to boxers. Since she got her last remedy Florette is less afraid of cars but still has these peculiar stools, flat like a ribbon. (keynote for Arnica and Pulsatilla). Cheerful and hyperactive she tears anything she can get hold of to pieces.
2 weeks later she jumps up and down in the car. Her movements are free.
4 years later, she is still so lively, cheerful, overflowing with affection says my family doctor, who sees her very often. Conclusion : a good Simile with precise indication.
The snake
At that time there was no exhaustive proving, (since December 2002 there exists a pathogenesis by Farokh Master, whom I thank and pay tribute to for this useful work). This remedy was once a ‘specific’ of polyomyelitis. Effective, economical and interesting, the snake is unfortunately endangered by the official remedy agency and the interest for it comes to restrict the number of marketed homeopathic remedies in France.
Bungarus fasciatus, the Banded Krait
It is a ‘three-edged snake’, with a triangular appearance. Its vertebral column is prominent as if the back muscles have been melted. It feed mainly on other snakes and is therefore active at night and lives in damp places. During the day it more or less sluggish and inert and has constantly mydriasis. The rare bites are mostly due to females guarding her eggs against herpetologists. One can find the pathogenesis on the following Internet adress: NGARUS%20FACIATUS.pdf T

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