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the situation, at the next recurrence Sepia 1 M was given and the dog got pimples. Peter felt stumped, so at this point he gave the miasmatic nosode, Carcinosin; the bitch improved, then regressed. Now he looked at smaller related remedies and found Aurum muriaticum natronatum – all three mineral themes could be seen in this dog. The bitch has improved steadily with this remedy.
Tom Farrington – China
Tom reviewed the seminal role of China in the history of homeopathy, and pointed out that cinchona/quinine was present in the original tonic water, not in the sweetened modern drinks mixer. China is one of the Rubiaceae, and as such shares characteristics with other members, Ipecacuanha and Coffea. A review of signs and tissue effects illustrated why China was an appropriate choice in several cases:
1 A cat with Haemobartonella, anaemia, dropsy and a history of liver disease
2 Tom’s son visiting (the People’s Republic of) China who contracted Giardia, his son was the only one affected who recovered without hospitalisation
3 A cat with Baytril toxicity, blindness, eye tumours, and collapse. The Baytril toxicity
case was palliative, for after the cat recovered its sight and the tumours regressed, the owners did not pursue definitive treatment, they discontinued China and the cat irreversibly collapsed.
Tom then discussed organ support remedies [see page 8 in this mag], which he uses for cases where signs are primarily related to organ pathology. Different remedy groups are used for renal support and for blood/cardiac support.
Tim Couzens – Carbo animalis
Most of us are familiar with the indications for Carb-v. We are much less familiar with the remedy Carbo animalis, prepared from charcoal derived from charred ox hide. Tim discussed the materia medica of carb-an, a remedy rich in Calc-phos, and bearing similarity to it. He described two cases in which Carb-an was used to good effect. The first was an aged dog with carcinoma of the left tonsil. The owner’s husband had a lifelong history of parental suppression, and had died six months earlier. This dog received Carcinosin 1 M once weekly and Carb-an 6C thrice daily. The tumour regressed within 10 days, then grew very slowly over the next nine months, when the dog
was euthanised. The second case was a 14 year old Jersey cow that was stuck in a ditch. In the photos, her skin looked like it was charred. She received Arnica 200 C, followed by Carbo- an 6C thrice daily for three days; her skin resolved completely.
On a lighter, but still related note, Tim shared with us the world premier of the Chiddingly Festival 2014 Animation Nation workshop video, under the direction of Corin Hardy. This animation of the chart “Equine Welfare”, by Aqua Lassie and the Sky Pumas, was great fun – my favourite bits were the beer glass that drank itself, and the animated person that went down a chimney and became Carbo humanalis. Watch for the You Tube video coming soon!
End of Congress
It’s such a joy to spend time with homeopathic colleagues that the end of Congress is bittersweet. This one ended with a group hug and a remembrance of our colleagues who were unable to join us. We all were so pleased that Trevor Adams was able to attend, and we hope that he continues to do well. John Saxton was unable to attend due to illness, and we sent warm healing thoughts to him, also. We hope to see all of our colleagues and friends either at the Spring meeting, or in Ireland next September. T
  Minutes of the AGM September 28th 2015
President Mark Elliott opened the AGM
Apologies for absence:
Anne Bell: Jack Hoare: Chris Day: Cheryl Sears: Malene Jorgensen: John Saxton: Richard Allport: Roger Meacock: Chris Almond: Neil Coode.
Minutes of the last AGM held in Arundel
These were taken as read.
Matters arising from the minutes
Mark Elliott addressed the issue raised by Geoff Johnson at the last meeting regarding a statement from the BAHVS on animal experimentation in the attempt to prove the effects of homeopathic treatment. The committee had discussed this at length and asked several members but were unable to come up with a consensus that would represent the association. It was felt that because of the varying opinions expressed by the members a statement could not be drafted. It appeared that the IAVH had also struggled in this regard. Geoff Johnson said that in the end he had written a personal letter.
Election of New Members
There was one proposal for new membership. Anne Fee O’Reilly.
She was proposed by Tom Farrington and seconded by Rosie Fitzgerald. Anne is a Faculty rep. She was voted in unanimously.
[Outgoing] President’s Report – Mark Elliott
Mark reported that he had enjoyed his time as president and that it had not been too onerous. He thanked all the committee for their help and support and named the secretary and treasurer for their particular input. He said that there was likely to be an attack on homeopathy from the RCVS via a ‘science’ committee in due course, but that a group had been formed with members of the association to prepare for this.
The database was being expanded and collated, the case and demand for homeopathy, the role of the faculty etc. were all being included to make a large body of evidence, so that if the college were to demand evidence, they would have to wade through an enormous amount of submissions and argue on each one.
He said that homeopathy was also now established under the cascade system thanks to the efforts of Freemans, which gave us even more support. Mark reiterated that Ireland 2015 was now booked and hoped that many members would
place a deposit.
Inauguration of the new President
There were no other candidates proposed for the office and Jane Keogh succeeded Mark Elliott as president of the Association for the next three years. Jane accepted the nomination and praised Mark for his able and positive leadership. Her hope for her presidency was to increase the number of members partly by addressing, why former members had resigned or not renewed their membership. She felt that if the reasons for non- renewal could be addressed, then they might be tempted back.
Nomination of the Junior Vice President
There was only one nomination. Chris Day was proposed by Nick Thompson and seconded by Cheryl Sears. Jane said that it seemed appropriate that Chris took the office in view of his long service as secretary, dean and founder of the association and the IAVH. Mark had spoken to Chris, who had assured him that he was happy to take on the role. The vote was unanimous.
Hon Secretaries Report – Stuart Marston
Despite all the negative publicity homeopathy has had to endure the association continues to ‘fight our
corner’. We have had several letters published in the Vet Times, and several articles have also appeared notably, from Geoff. Geoff also managed to get a spot at the Southern Counties Vet Show – after some initial ‘hesitancy’, shall we say, on the part of the organisers, until some of the members helped them to reconsider! As usual the loud mouth antis were conspicuous by their absence. Geoff is also presenting at the London Vet show in November and we are hoping that some interest will be shown there.
The membership has remained static for the last year – we do not seem to be attracting new students. Jane is making this one of her priorities of her presidency and we will be asking all members to help with that aim. Wendy and Sue’s new academy is on course and will be taking a stand at the London Vet Show also. We wish them every success.
Our website is getting about 1200 hits a month. We are managing to get quite a bit of content on there now but we could always do with more – some client testimonials would be particularly useful. Send them to me in the first instance. Of course any other content would be welcome, the more new items we get on there
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