Page 16 - Autumn 23
P. 16
continued from page 13
He also studied the trajectory of potency propagation, action and decay. So how does a remedy behave in a living system?
within minutes. The mechanism of spread must be by Lopez Cavallo working in Mexico and South America with rapid growth and self-replication independent of water a team of more than 30 researchers, students and flow. The type of growth was proposed to be fractal academics. Aquaculture has specific problems with
One of the most incredible pieces of information of the whole weekend was his work in using Phosphorus 30C in a lake system. It was a series of 3 lakes that fed into each other, so you could put a substance into the first lake and measure it a period of time later in the lower 3rd lake. The total amount of water in the 3 lakes was 55 billion litres of water and most chemicals/substances were detected after several hours and effect due to diffusion and the flow rate of the water. However, when 1L of Phos 30C was put into the upper lake, it was detected in the 3rd lake within a few minutes, far faster than simple movement of molecules and faster than could be explained by the flow rate of the water. Basically, the whole lake system became Phos 30C
growth. He concluded that ‘potencies are inexhaustible and infinitely divisible, they grow to fill the solution into which they are put and any portion is the same as the whole. Again, this is a characteristic of fractals.’
Further study of the behaviour of remedies show that potencies aren’t static, but they vary in growth over time. Lab models show that they have a rapid increase, then plateau and then slowly decline and the same pattern is true when a potency is given to a patient. His research is now aimed at showing the part that water is playing in the distribution of homeopathic remedies, so far, he thinks that water is an inert carrier.
Another major area of research is aquaculture. Dr Antonio
overstocking and use of high levels of chemicals to suppress disease causing pathogens, but these treatments can damage the organisms’ health and the environment. Recently it has been suggested that Highly Dilute Bioactive Compounds (HDBC) can promote an integral response that allows marine organisms to improve their general condition and defence mechanisms, strengthening them against stressful factors such as pathogens. The remedies used in Dr Cavallo’s research were Silica and Phos-ac and some Heel complexes. Different marine organisms have been used in the studies, fish, crustaceans and marine molluscs.
Some interesting findings have emerged: