Page 4 - Autumn 23
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     Veterinary Guide to Holistic Therapies •  Ilse Pedler, UK
One of my aims for my term as BAHVS president was to try and interest younger vets in homeopathy with the hope that some would then enrol for further training and fill the huge shortfall we have of homeopathic vets in the UK.
The first project was the production of a guide to holistic therapies, which would be distributed to all final year vet students for the next 2 years. I’m pleased to say that after a year of recruiting leading practitioners to write chapters and generating sponsorship, the guide is now complete.
The Veterinary Guide to Holistic Therapies contains chapters on Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Homeopathy, Chiropractic, Osteopathy and Flower Essences. Each chapter gives a brief explanation of the therapy, what to expect in a consultation, a case study or two and where to
find further information; in particular who the national
association is and what training courses are
available. It is hoped that enough young vets will be sufficiently interested to find out more and hopefully train in the future.
Don Hamilton
President, IAVH
  Happy Equinox everyone.
And Lord knows we all need this these days. I know I do.
Anyway, as many of you know, the IAVH forum suddenly went down in July, without an advance notice. The web hosting company decided to stop handling email discussion forums. So I've worked to set up a new forum and that's up and running. At the same time, as my team and I are sorting out the membership lists, which were in a bit of a mess, we are also just adding current IAVH members to the new forum.
Because of office problems, the pandemic chaos, and whatever, we still have some countries which have not gotten caught up, and possibly some individual members. I'm sure we still have people who wish to be members but have slipped through the cracks,
We just had a nice webinar on exotic animal treatment, and Ilze is still working on more webinars for the upcoming months. Please contact Ilze Pētersone if you would like to present something, an interesting case, a method of remedy selection, or whatever.
We also want to revitalize the materia medica section of the website, so if you have interesting cases or can write a remedy description, especially for a lesser known remedy, please send that to me ( If you know of upcoming homeopathic conferences, lectures, webinars, and so on, please also forward those to the office or to one of the officers.
Above all, keep your spirits up and remember why you became a veterinarian, and do your work with love.
The days are getting shorter for those north of the
so if you know anyone who wants to be a member, please equator, longer for those coming out of winter in the
have them contact Lavra Kreacic at the IAVH south. And the world is the same everywhere, madness
office ( And if you are not on the forum and strife.
and wish to be on the forum, please let us know as well. So far we've only added those to the new forum who So I guess we must hold to our centers and remember
were on the old forum (and are current with dues). If you that we are all the same, just doing the best we can. A
have been added to the forum, you will have received a long time client and friend reminded me of part of the St.
welcome message with information including how to Francis quote, paraphrasing, "Dear Lord, let me
post to the forum.
understand rather than be understood."
The guide will be available
in the future in digital
format and if anyone is interested, please contact me on:

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