Page 10 - Winter 18
P. 10

      President’s letter –
Since my last letter, much has happened.
The Statement published on 3rd November still stands, at present. The RCVS repeats its determination to protect animal welfare and to ensure that only science-based medicine is offered as first-line treatment. Of course, there are some glaring holes in the validity of such a statement.
Furthermore, no consultation took place with major stake- holders (such as The Faculty of Homeopathy, the BAHVS, Organic Farmers, The Soil Association, or the general public who use homeopathy and rely on it for their animals’ health) and the science behind homeopathy has been assiduously ignored. We as the Committee are exploring all methods and avenues open to us.
Steps are being taken to protect the position of the BAHVS and the security of veterinary homeopathy for the future. Watch this space. Currently, I can say no more.
Meanwhile, dismissive, rude and defamatory remarks con- tinue to appear in the social media and elsewhere. I hope you are all withstanding these empty insults but if any support is needed, please shout.
To all those who have been engaged in writing articles, joining in ‘discussions’ on social media, keeping an eye of what is going on and generally wading in with help and support, a massive thank you from me and your commit- tee. This includes the magnificent support afforded by our most generous clientele/supporters, without whom we would have a very small voice and too few hands to do the work.
I am also keen to thank the members of the committee for their untiring work. We have held regular committee meetings, virtually every week since the statement, and much has been achieved in the intervening weeks. It has been a massive amount of work. Malene deserve’s special mention, with husband Phil, for her unbelievable work on social media and the new website. None of this happens by itself!
 My planned regional meeting in Shropshire had to be can- celled, owing to a snow dump that weekend. Barbara and I are currently working on rescheduling it. Look out for the Spring Meeting in London more about that on the website, where you can also sign up for the Congress in Liverpool in the Autumn. We are sharing the Faculty’s Congress.
I wish you all the best of health and fulfilment in 2018, whether UK readers or from elsewhere.
This is going to be a decisive year for veterinary homeopathy in the UK and for homeopathy in general. We are the front line and must stand firm.
in defence of homeopathy and CAM handed over to RCVS
    On Monday, 15th January, 12 vets and about 40 members of our very supportive public (and a goodly number of small dogs) assembled under Churchill’s statue in Parliament Square and marched on the RCVS headquarters in Horseferry Road.
Ilse Pedler delivered the petition by hand, (over 15,000 signatures at the time, on 840 pages) to Professor May, the RCVS President, on the doorstep of Belgravia House.
Stephen May made certain to repeat the ‘animal welfare’ mantra but also included us (the homeopathic vets) in his ‘we all want animal welfare’ remark.

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