Page 12 - Summer 17
P. 12

 continued from p9
 Repertorisation “Capriciosa” Nov. 2016
Therapy: Staphisagria LM02 (5 drops daily). Family: Ranunculaceae (Acon, Ran.b, Puls, Cimic, Staph, Clem). Characteristics: anger, nervous tension, emotional break-outs, suppression, numbness, sensitivity for small things. Compensation: Relaxed.
Follow up
2 weeks:
• Moods have ameliorated, likes to be
touched by some persons.
• Eyes: swelling better, less painful,
secretion more liquid.
• Ear: abscess nearly dry
• Appetite good
• Follows the personnel into the yard, starts
grazing there
• Staph LM02 daily continued
4 weeks:
• Shiny coat
• For 1 week she goes for walks on the
lead, interested in unknown areas with
• Fell in love and came into season with the
stallion in the neighbour box (who has
been there always)
• Her original courage and trust returns
• Staph LM02 only when needed
6 weeks (12/02/17):
• She is back in the meadow with her old
friend Chironimo
• No erratic reactions
3 months: all fine, still blind but without problems of infections
8 months: all fine, no more eye problems
Ewuine Recurrent Uveitis cannot only lead to total blindness but also to to severe depression. A constitutional homeopathic therapy is not only able to heal the recurrent uveitis and its symptoms, which could not be
cured or stabilised by adequate allopathic therapy; it can also bring back vital force and quality of life without re-establishing the patient’s vision.
The author states to never having caused the lost eyesight in both eyes in horses using homeopathic treatment for ERU. In many cases, existing adhesion of iris and uvea have been broken and cured.
Hans Jürgen Wintzer: Krankheiten des Pferdes, Paul Parey Verlag
T.F.Allen: Enzyclopedia of Materia Medica, B.Jain
S.Kohlrausch, Homöopathische Behandlung der
Periodischen Augenentzündungen beim Pferd, Ganzheitliche Tiermedizin 1999, Sonntag Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart
S.Kohlrausch: Die Beobachtung beschränkt sich nicht allein auf den Patienten; Homöopathie Zeitschrift 1994/2
S.Kohlrausch, Gedanken zur homöopathischen Anamnese bei Haustieren, Ganzheitliche Tiermedizin 1999/13, Sonntag Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart
 continued from p3 – Carolina Gómez
allowing the rules or guidelines of the family to be carried out.
Psychology has meticulously studied the relationship between mother and son; some currents promote the existence of a strong emotional fusion between mother and son, which gets dissolved as years pass by causing a deep fissure, when the child is 3 years old.
When the patient experiences this emotional fusion, everything that the mother is unconscious about or is unable to take care of, is experienced or acted out by the child; thus, absorbing the unconscious of the mother, the companion animal or eternal child also takes on the emotions of its guardian permanently.
The mirror phenomenon, which reflects our SHADOW, is exposed: the other experiences the emotions that, without having the necessary tools to metabolize them, he could somatise
them. This is clearly shown, when a mother is sad and tries to hide it, but her baby will not stop moaning, crying or he ends up getting sick; the child cries for her and somatises the symptoms.
Observations from veterinarian Richard Pitcairn’s book Natural Health for Dogs and Cats.
Chapter 10. MIRRORS: PSYCHE AND HEALTH. Dr. Pitcairn analyses some cases, where no treatment was successful; for this reason, he began to suspect the possible influence of psychological attitudes of people in the health of their dogs and cats.
Dogs and cats have the same health problems as their guardians. Dogs scratch themselves, when their guardians do; a fat dog has an obese partner or other animals are more
idiosyncratic, as it is the case of the cat that suffered a circulatory problem similar to the one that his guardian had. The dog started coughing inexplicably soon after his guardian suffered an asthma attack. Another case can show the same conclusion: a dog had a serious sinus infection and his owner coincidentally suffered the same nasal problem.
Animals who get precisely the disease that their owners feared them to get. In this case the animal seems to replicate the patterns or beliefs of its guardian. A client had a history of his dogs and cats suffering of kidney failure. He feared that his dog might suffer from the same problem and once again later on, what he feared occurred and his dog was dying or kidney failure. We may ask, telepathy? Animals whose problem is aggravated by emotional conflicts or tensions arising between family members. Dogs and cats can be very sensitive to the conflicts that arise
continued on p14

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