Page 12 - Winter 24-25
P. 12
continued from page 5
Thirst: big, drinks about 1,5 liters of water a day. After drinking he has strong salivation.
Feces are normal twice a day, but he frequently urinates about 15 times a day.
He dislikes heat and sun and when it rains, he dislikes walks. Always craves for cold and shade.
Sleep: snoring loudly and making moaning (groaning) sounds normally on the cold and hard floor. He would prefer to sleep with the owner in the bed, but his wife does not allow it.
Senses: he seems to have problems of distinguishing distances. He does not walk through half open doors or narrow spaces even if he easily fits.
Sexuality: he is castrated and he shows no signs of sexual interest or mounting behavior.
Body Problems
Coughing and sneezing: Eider is sensitive to air conditioning and gets spastic cough without expectoration which the owner says is because it dries out his airways. Aggravated at night and only indoors.
Fur and Skin: he always loses a lot of hair.
Generally has nice dense and shiny fur. He had an injury some month ago on the hind left foot with a penetrating piece of wood what has not been removed completely and makes problems since then. He licks and bites the paw intensively until there are hematomas and abscesses with watery bloody pus. It was treated with bandages, antibiotics and corticosteroids but without any effect, until the last piece of wood had been removed.
He has lameness of the left hind leg which occurs during walks but is better after the walk and never occurs after resting or in the morning.
This was all the information I had.
Analysis of the case:
As the important symptoms, due to the intensity or being rare or extraordinary I selected:
Extreme fear of Thunderstorm
Anxiety and crying immediately when he was left
Hiding when he is afraid.
Killing cats for a dog with very soft and loving
Not passing a space which is wide enough for him to
enter, problem of judging distances.
Snoring loud during inhalation during sleep with
Desire for bananas.
Looking at the Kingdoms, the case seemed to be dominated by sensitivity and emotions which calls for the plant kingdom. Weeping, noises, incorrect judgement of distances, affectionate, overexcitement ....
The result of the Repertorisation showed a number of remedies which were very close.
It comes to mind that there are 3 remedies of the Solanaceae family in the first 6: Hyos, Bell, Stram and all of them are acute remedies.
The most severe problem is the fear, and the dynamic Eider shows in that fear is: that it comes very sudden and when it is over, he returns to his normal loving and relaxed being. This is typical for the acute miasm and confirms one of these remedies.
One Symptom was missing in my repertorisation: The desire to kill cats.
This rubric does not exist, not even hatred of cats exists. But the desire to kill exists in various rubrics:
It shows Hyoscyamus niger as the first Remedy and both others only show in the main rubric: Mind – kill – desire to
This helped me to decide for Hyoscyamus.
Belladonna and Strammonium are much more known as aggressive remedies.
The remedies Arsenicum, Phosphorus and Calcium carbonicum do not fit the animal’s type and not the miasm and not the kingdom. The plant remedies Dulcamara, Pulsatilla, Lycopodium and Ignatia seem like well less probable from their general character, modalities and