Page 14 - Winter 24-25
P. 14
“This is outrageous, I can't stand it any longer!
Central aim of a Proving
My first aim in a remedy proving is to understand the central idea, the basic feeling of a remedy.
The easiest way to do this is to do the Proving in a group to experience and feel the patient unfiltered during the Proving.
Some provers of the lac-suinum (pig's milk) Proving had the frightening feeling that I was doing something very mean to them and that they could not defend themselves against it. They reacted with extreme aggression. Some tried in vain to stop the trail prematurely, others only took the medicine after a long period of hesitation. In a family of friends, the house was in disarray for some time (‘what I always wanted to tell you ...’) and even the otherwise charming son was obnoxious. Displeasure and anger also prevailed with regard to the willingness to write down any symptoms. The shortest test report: ‘This is outrageous, I can't stand it any longer! (on the 1st day).
Other Provings were so pleasant for some provers that they continued to take the remedy after the proving had been finished already.
During the preparation of the participants unknown proving substance of Hypericum, the changes in the mood and in the ability of concentration have been so evident, that participants in the next room of the homeopathic conference came over to ask, why all of us were so happy and laughing during the class.
Prepairing a remedy together in the group of provers, especially during the trituration period, gives already a
good impression of emotional and body symptoms of the substance and asking the family or partners of the provers about changes often provides additional information.
Number of Provers
My experience of over 30 provings agrees with the statements in Organon § 134. Samuel writes that a larger number of provers of both sexes is required, as no single prover can produce all the symptoms of a remedy (§136). The actual number required depends on the quality of the provers and is fulfilled when hardly any new symptoms are observed.
The best prover I have ever had, she proved (blind) of lac- delphinum, handed over to me a 40-page chronological proving protocol with the most exact description of her dreams and states on all levels that I have ever received. She tested the remedy until no new symptoms appeared after repeating the remedy. On day 14 of the proving, she wanted to go to the nearest pond for a swim during the lunch break in November when it was about 10°C. We did so, but she didn't just swim, she played in the approx. 12°C cold water for a quarter of an hour and her body felt warm inside and was not even cold outside when she returned from the water. She said that normally she doesn't like swimming at all and freezes quickly even in warm water. Such a prover is an absolute stroke of luck and there weren't many symptoms from other examiners that she hadn't described.
I try to get at least 15 people for each proving I supervise and the provers should be encouraged not to talk to each other before the Proving is ended.
Potency and repetition in Provings
I have not yet been able to identify any clear differences between D12, C6, C12, C30 and C200. It seems to depend
solely on the sensitivity of the proving person. If they have no special wishes regarding potency, I use C30 (self- preparation with trituration up to C3, further potentisation with the multi-glass method), as suggested by Hahnemann in §128.
The repetition and frequency of administration after the first symptoms appear is also left to the prover.
Demands on the proving candidates
Hahnemann demands complete health as the most important criterion. This means persons in need of treatment are excluded as participants. But how many candidates can be recruited, who are absolutely healthy, able to observe themselves attentively and also prepared to abstain from strong stimulants and important activities (§126 Organon) over a longer period of time? Anyone who