Page 16 - Spring 22
P. 16
handling. Some have offered the pellets on top of a small food treat and this has worked in a pinch. Normally food and drinking water should not be given for 10 minutes before or after the dose. Keeping the mouth clean for this time enables the dose to be fully absorbed without interference from other things being in the mouth.
For the most commonly used emergency homeopathic medicines, I keep a stock bottle made up in one-ounce dropper bottles with alcohol added as a preservative. These can conveniently be grabbed off the shelf and administered when needed without the fuss, or wasted time of finding the remedy, dissolving it, and putting it in a syringe. Some of the standard dissolved stock medicines that I keep available are Arnica, Ledum, Arsenicum album, Aconite, Belladonna, Nux vomica, Pulsatilla, and Phosphorus. Always succuss the bottle a few times or stir the liquid in the little cups before dosing. My co-workers have been shown how to administer doses and have little written protocols available to use in the event the doctor is not present.
I keep homeopathic Latrodectus mactans (black widow spider venom) handy for clients or myself in the event of a myocardial ischemic event (heart attack). It should be one of those extra medicines to add to your first aid kit. One never knows until it is too late, when you will need something like that (always be prepared). Early treatment in the face of an angina attack and before help can arrive, can stop it, or temper it down very well, and as good as or better than nitroglycerine drugs.
Homeopathic medicine “pellets or liquids” should not normally be touched directly by the hands, and they should be stored away from heat, or radiation (strong x- ray machines, microwaves). Keep them out of the hot car, and in the carry-on baggage when traveling by plane.
When the simillimum (homeopathic match) is used, one
should expect a fairly rapid response in the reduction of pain, and inflammations (within minutes to a few hours). Fevers and coughs should be greatly improved within 12- 24 hours. Healing time for injuries and wounds will be reduced in most cases by 30-50%. It is a peculiar feature of the life force when affected by acute issues, that it more easily allows itself to be impacted than when in a chronic state. Several so-called acute acting medicines with only partial overlap of symptoms will work, unlike in chronic situations, where a more complete coverage of the totality of the case is required for response.
In addition, Hering’s laws of cure (symptoms move from the more vital organs to the less vital organs; from the interior of the body towards the skin and from the top of the body downward to the tips of the extremities) should still be the goal in all cases. That is to say, mental states and wellbeing are always improved first (including pain) followed by internal affections and functions. Finally, the
surface manifestations resolve last. When using mental emotional symptoms, it is imperative to weight them (rank of importance) properly. Always give more weight to the physical symptoms unless there is an outstanding high grade, and easy to interpret characteristic mental symptom (see Aconite and pain response). Be as objective as possible without the influence of anthropomorphized human oriented details obscuring case presentation. Treat behavioral changes and observe with a hopeful eye toward what is considered to be more normal behavior.
The homeopathic medicines known as polycrests are those which are similar to the most common expressions of acute or chronic illness or injury; these are the most useful for these conditions. Most of the polycrests are listed in the mini repertory below for their specific rubrics. Examples are Belladonna and Aconite, both of which reflect the most common and frequent expressions of sudden acute inflammation and fever. Many other medicines