Page 19 - Spring 22
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which are worse for motion, worse for pressure, and better for rest. Dry mucous membranes, thirsty. Dropsical effusions. Apathy, slow onset of symptoms. Fever with internal heat. Rheumatic pains and swellings. Irritable.
Calendula – Assists healing of large, painful, ragged wounds, accelerates epithelial tissue repair, and resolution of intestinal foreign body.
Glonoine – A remedy made from nitroglycerine. Great lethargy, congestive head symptoms, hyperemia of the brain, violent circulatory irregularity of head with convulsion, heat/sun stroke, worse heat and sun, apoplexy, sciatica, fluttering of heart with dyspnea, worse exertion. The homeopathic medicine Glonoine is used for the opposite of those indications for the allopathic drug nitroglycerine. The symptoms are similar to an overdose of the nitroglycerine. Note: The actual nitroglycerine (crude substance) is used as a non-homeopathic, non- potentized, but extremely minimal physiologic dose, in the treatment of angina pectoris, collapse, and syncope. The drug effects are extremely efficacious in a standard allopathic palliative way. It is interesting to note that the use of this drug, and digitalis meet one requirement for making a homeopathic remedy, i.e. that of a minimum crude dose. If it were diluted further, and succussed along the way, it would meet the criteria for making a homeopathic remedy like Glonoine. To the author this extremely obvious fact supports and validates one of the major principles of homeopathy, which is so denigrated by allopathic medicine.
Gunpowder – Made from constituents of gunpowder. Used in septicemia, boils, abscesses, osteomyelitis, infected insect bites, wounds that are infected.
Hypericum perforatum –Nerve injury, trauma to fingertips and toes, bruised and lacerated, torn nails, blows and crushing of toes, fingers, inflamed nerves with stinging, stitching, tearing, sticking pains. The pains trace up the extremity radiating toward the body. Pains come
and go, with throbbing. It is the Arnica for the nerves, the brain and the spine. If given in second stages of puncture when tetanus develops it can abort the process, avoid lockjaw, and ophistotonus. Note: distal sensory nerve tract injuries are more prone to the development of tetanus. Any inflamed wound with stinging pains radiating up the limb. Lacerations rich with nerves. Injuries to the spine and coccyx and tail, as in falling backward, or from garage and other door crushing injuries. Injuries to the spine, coccyx, or tail head from birthing labor. Inflammation in the terminal end of the spinal cord (cauda equina). First treatment for back/spinal injuries, especially the meninges, or the cord. Spinal injuries with shooting pains down the limbs. The action of the remedy is on the nerve sheaths, and meninges. Any injury with pain shooting along the nerves.
Ledum – Much the same bruised soreness as Arnica, but the homeopathic picture includes deeper extravasations of blood when Arnica is not enough. The lesion feels cold or is ameliorated by cold applications. Also used for punctures, nails in feet, splinters under nails or into foot. Bites of animals, especially cats. Prevents infections, with shooting pains, spares nerves in the wound. Pain is dull, and aching. It is a preventative for tetanus in first stage of the puncture. Use Ledum instead of tetanus vaccine.
Phosphorus – stops bright red bleeding, useful for post- op sluggish anesthesia recovery, post-op vomiting, and use preemptively before surgery to diminish blood loss and avoid transfusions. Slow to wake up, but vital.
Rhus toxicodendron – Has an affinity for skin, muscle, tendons. Weakness of muscle/tendon, bruised rheumatic sensations, worse storms, worse when first beginning motion, and better when continues to move, better with warmth. Spinal injury, back, joints. Old lingering injury with weakness of the back. Rhus tox follows Arnica well in a series of healing. It takes up the cure where Arnica left off. Calcarea carbonica heals up the final weakness that
persists after Rhus tox.
Ruta – Tendon injury, periosteal injury, bruised bone,
damaged periosteum, cartilage, tendon insertions, fascia, joints, and ligaments. Lingering pain, fractured rib with periosteal pain, and soreness.
Staphysagria – Incised wounds, caused by sharp instruments or surgical blades, with stinging pains, or burning sensation, and effects in incisions. Post-op incisions are licked, and bothered by the animal, and the surgery site appears unhealthy. Very slow healing. Helps granulation to proceed and removes pain. Removes the pain of stretching of sphincters such as in the case of urethral urinary catheterization. Rending, tearing pain, with lacerating of fibers.
Strontium carbonicum – The Carbo vegetabilis of the surgeon, with prostration, coldness, the blood oozes, cold breath after surgery, cyanosis.
Boger CM. Boenninghausen’s Characteristics Materia Medica and Repertory. Reprint Edition. New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd., 2003. Kent JT. Lectures on Materia Medica. Reprint Edition. New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd., 1997.
Neuman E, Derin-Kellog G. Help! And Homeopathy: What to do in an emergency before 911 arrives. Cottonwood, AZ: Blue Turtle Publishing, 1998.
Panos M et al. First Aid and Acute Care – NCH Study Guide. Alexandria,VA: Published by the National Center for Homeopathy, 1996. Panos M. Homeopathic Medicine at Home. New York: J. Tarcher- Penguin-Putnam Press Inc., 1980.
Pitcairn RP. Workbooks and Personal Communication from The Professional and Advanced Courses in Veterinary Homeopathy, Eugene, Oregon: 1997, 1999.
Shepherd D. Homeopathy for the First Aider. Essex, England: C.W. Daniel Publishing, 1945.
Vermeulen F. Concordant Materia Medica. Haarlem, The Netherlands: Emryss bv Publishing, 1997.
Vijayakar P. Predictive Homeopathy: Part II: Theory of Acutes. Dadar, Mumbai: Preeti Publishers, 1999.
Von Lippe A. Keynotes and Redline Symptoms of the Materia Medica. New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd., 1996.