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IAVH Newsletter
President’s letter
Dear friends,
As planned, we held our annual Board meeting on 22nd April in Budapest. We are grateful to our Hungarian representative Rita Farkas, and her colleagues, for facil- itating the meeting.
On the previous day we held a day meeting where members of the Board gave a series of lectures, (see Malene’s report opposite). This was an opportunity for us to give something back to the homeopathic veterinary community and it seemed well received by the delegates. The meeting was organised in association with the Hungarian Homeopathic
Medical Association.
This continues our policy of holding the Board meeting in a different
country each year. In 2013 we will return to Nuremburg and we plan to hold a clinical meeting for our German colleagues in a similar way. If any- one would like to host the Board meeting in 2014 please inform the office or our secretary Helene Widmann.
Our various projects continue to develop, and by the time you read this you should have received the first instalment of the English version of the MMVH (Materia Medica Veterinaria Homeopathica). Please note that my accompanying message asks for cases of Pulsatilla. This was an error on my part, but nevertheless if you do have any relevant case his- tories, please feel free to send them to Edward [De Beukelaer] for incor- poration into what is a continually developing body of work.
I am personally very pleased with the result of Edward’s labours and believe this is an enormously important step forward for the IAVH and for global veterinary homeopathy in general. I am very grateful to Ed for the amount of work this takes.
Mark Elliott’s work on the research database has begun, in the form of a dedicated website and this will become available very soon. There is a massive amount of data to be added so once again this is a long term project, but its existence will again be extremely important for homeopa- thy as a whole. It will be a resource which can be used not only by our members, but also for anyone who wants to investigate homeopathy seri- ously. Importantly, it will no longer be tenable to claim that ‘there is no evidence that homeopathy works’.
And now we have another benefit for you. Nick Thompson, our PR co-ordinator has come up with the idea of a quarterly newsletter for your clients. Many veterinary practices offer their clients a regular newsletter, often sponsored by a major food or pharmaceutical company. This one will promote homeopathy; the aim is that it should provide something interesting and informative for the client to read while at the same time getting the message out about homeopathy. It will be available for members to download in a format which allows the member to insert their own practice name. More details will be provided by Nick in a sep- arate report, but I hope you will all participate. It does need a little input from you, the members, but in return I hope this will be valuable resource and another benefit to being a member of IAVH.
I want to thank all the members of the Board for their efforts. The weekend in Budapest required devoting a lot of time and hard work, but I feel we have a team of people in place who are dedicated to working for the members of the Association, and for veterinary homeopathy in the wider arena. Our hope is that you, our members, can see what we are doing on your behalf, and will in your turn continue to support us.
I write this with the sun shining outside and a very comfortable 22 degrees [that must’ve been a while ago Peter! Ed.]. I hope it finds you in similar comfort, wherever you are, whether outside on a balmy evening in the tropics or tucked up beside a fire on a dark winter’s evening. May the light of homeopathy shine with ever increasing brightness.
Animal Energy – A Glorious Quarterly Client News-sheet from the IAVH
To quote a very great man,
‘I have a dream’.
I have a dream, dear members, that this year we can organise a flow of very simple 2-3 para- graph cured case studies coming into my inbox from busy IAVH members all over the world.
The dream continues with me simply and easily collating the studies/stories into a 2-4 page pdf file that we send to all 450+ vets in the IAVH for them to print. The News-sheet can be offered as fascinating entertainment as they sit in the waiting room at your practice.
This initiative will motivate unity among all vets in the IAVH, give them regular demonstration of the work of colleagues near and far and VERY SIMPLY allow them to promote homeopathy to THEIR public.
We are helping and supporting IAVH vets. They are helping us by printing and circulating the client leaflet and the public then help us by telling their friends about the amazing things that homeopathy can do.
I envisage this project to be simple, cheap and to have profound consequences for the promotion and legitimacy of homeopathy the world over.
Nick Thompson
Please send articles to nickthompson@
TheIAVHhascurrently446members.Thisincludes19newmembers from Colombia, which have occurred as a collective member at the beginningof2012.In2013afurther113newcollectivemembersfrom Japan are expected.
The project is almost completed and we’ll keep you informed of the progress. Members have the possibility to publish offers for employ- ment, job trainings and work experiences on our website. In addition theyareabletopublishadvertisementsforbooksandliteratureofmem- bers or other authors. The number of visitors on our website has risen to 300 per month.
67th Congress of the LMHI
14th September to 17th September 2012, Nara, Japan
Educational meetings for Advanced Level 2012 Italy:
22to23September2012-Turin:“Disordersoftheimmunesystem:the use of other methods as a resource for the homeopath”. Cytokines Low Dose,phytotherapy.traceelementsflanktheprescription,theprescrip- tion of the remedy only. 20 to 21 October 2012 - Bologna: SIOV National Congress 2012 : “Research and clinical knowledge: our know how”.
Edward De Beukelaer has started to translate the MMHV. The idea of Edward’s is that it will be changed and updated. The first remedies (BungarusFasciatusandPulsatilla)weresenttoallIVAHmembersatthe end of May. We’ve had lots of positive feedback, especially from Japan and Colombia. The Japanese will translate the English versions into Japanese and Marcella Muñoz (national representative for Colombia) has already translated four remedies into Spanish.