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be dominated.
They have strong will and can be stubborn. The self-control when
linked to the power aspect gives tension and an inability to relax. They are sensitive, spiritual, mental and emotional. There are the inner and outer sides, as the electrons, and they are searchers in the inner world with a desire to know what is of theirs and what is of others. They desire to understand motives, instincts, and emotions.
Look at out own profession. Homeopaths seek to understand others. We fight for our own beliefs in the present scientism environment. We are self-employed and search for the mechanisms of true and profound cure to empower our patients. Homeopaths are obvious candidates for a lan- thanide prescription.
The lanthanides are akin to the bird remedies, being intuitive, seeking something higher. They are empathic yet distant, sensitive yet powerful.
They are aware of their shadow. Jung s definition of the shadow is the part we like to keep hidden from public view. It is one aspect of our unconscious - the instinctive part of our psyche that we try to repress. The lanthanides have a need to integrate the shadow. They have issues of light and dark. They are visionaries. They are honest - at least to them- selves. They are reserved and hidden and will not show everything they experience. They have a humanistic attitude with a worldview.
As we descend the periodic table the patient’s vision broadens. Hydrogen series is simply the self, carbon series is the supporting close family, silica series is the village where you learn who you are in respect to others, iron series is the town – leaving the village for work. The silver series is the city where you go to perform, be special, be unique. The gold series is the country – with Aurum the king. Row/series seven is the radioactive elements, and their view is global and universal.
Thus the lanthanides consider the big picture, and that is where they need to express their hidden power. They have a serving quality. Their consciousness expands to include the whole country or world.
They have a strong sexuality.
OK – so that is what they are about. It sounds complicated, but in human case taking the truth spills out via the words and lanthanides pre- scribed according to the above ‘theory’ lead to patients healed deeply. However what on earth is an ‘animal lanthanide’ going to look like? How
would they present in a veterinary surgery? Will an animal ever need a lanthanide? Can there be an animal, which considers the big picture, is the power behind the throne, and wishes to integrate their shadow?
In veterinary homeopathy we have generally been a few years behind the human homeopaths, but as our profession evolves, we find the rules that apply to humans apply equally to our patients. I suspect this will be the case for the lanthanides.
An animal lanthanide might:
1 Sufferfromanautoimmunedisorderoraseriousdiseaseofsomesort. Generally, remedies nearer the bottom of the periodic table will more successfully treat more serious disease.
2 Be sympathetic, caring, dutiful and intuitive
3 Notnecessarilybeverytactile–maybealoofina‘bird’way–reserved
4 Beaversecontradiction,havingveryfirmlytheirownopinions–stubborn
5 Fight against domination, or become ill with it
6 Carry an air of authority with other animals, but not wish to dominate
7 Theownermightsay‘he’sadeepone’or‘heseemedtobebornwise’
If we decide that a lanthanide is required, we then need to decide which one – there are 15. We also need to determine whether to give the metal or its salt. The choice of the metal is made by knowledge of how the dif- ferent elements express or deal with their problem or issue as we move left to right across the periodic table. Each row has a certain issue.
This is understood if we consider the well-known remedies of the gold series. All these remedies have issues of power and responsibility, but how they experience it differs:
• Barium – feels powerless and unable to do his duty
• Tungsten – has to prove he is the powerful one
• Iridium – so close to power, but if it goes wrong all is lost (Aragorn from
Lord of the Rings)
• Platina – high emperor
• Gold – fatherly king
• Mercury – power slipping away so must fight to cling on to power –
• Plumbum – all the trappings of power, but superseded – the king’s father
       “Radioactive Remedies”
Master class with Geoff Johnson
Saturday, 19th May 2012
with Julie Geraghty, Liz Thompson and Geoff Johnson
Open to fully qualified homeopaths, registered with the Faculty of Homeopathy or Society of Homeopaths
Penny Brohn Centre in Pill 10.00am – 4.00pm (CPD: 4 hours 50 min.) • investment: £65 (some concessions available) • cut off date: 12th May 2012 • This event suits all levels of experience.
We have reached the radioactive age. It was realised in mankind’s earliest and most powerful myths which uncannily appear in the prov- ingsoftheradioactiveelements.The financial system is in melt down, global warming has reached critical mass, peak oil is a reality, the chain reaction has started. Power has moved beyond the gold series energy of government and country and reached the global uranium series. We are heading for disintegration,
or integration and a new society. Armageddon or creation?
Now is the time – there is no 8th series. Geoff will explore these ideas through a study of the radioactive remedies drawing on many sources, illustrated by cured cases.
All of our teaching is run from the Penny Brohn Cancer Centre a tran- quil and restoring place with fantas- tic food.Please book your place at least 7 days prior to the event date bye-mailingacademicadministra- tor at:
All bookings are taken on a first come first served basis.
For more information please e-mail administrator or call:
0117 9466087

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