Page 12 - Spring 12
P. 12
Jennifer Norato has been working at Ramapo Valley Animal Hospital in Oakland, New Jersey, for over 10 years. During her college years she had a part time job there, which quickly grew into a full time passion. Ramapo is a small practice that has steadily grown over a number of years. Ramapo’s two veterinarian doctors specialize in small animals, mostly dogs and cats. They are located in northern New Jersey, which is mostly suburban but in an area where pets encounter a lot of wildlife. Jennifer is also a pet owner who was determined to fifind a solution to the recurring bladder infections suffffered by her hound dog, Brooke.
Madeleine: Please tell us about your own pets and their health challenges:
Jennifer: I have two dogs, a 6 year old hound mix and a 14 year old Pomeranian and 6 cats! A hazard of my occupation is that I raise abandoned kittens and many of them don’t leave my house. It has never been a challenge keeping 6 cats happy though. They all love each other and play all night long.
My hound mix, Brooke, hasn’t been the healthiest though. I adopted her as an adult and fought her chronic ear and bladder infections from day one. My old man, Mako, has had the happiest life, but not the healthiest either. One of his legs was amputated almost 8 years ago and has suffffered from multiple related health issues.
Madeleine: Jennifer can you tell us more about Brooke’s’ dilemma?
Jennifer: My Brooke was suffering from bladder infections caused by her con- stant struvite crystals. Working at an animal hospital, I had every diagnostic and treatment at my disposal, but still she got infections. She had countless urine tests, blood work, cultures, x rays, prescription foods, meds, and even ultra- sounds but nothing could keep her from making struvite crystals in her bladder. Of course, I had tried cranberry supplements before to help Brooke’s bladder, but Cranimals immediately seemed different than the ones that failed in the past.
Madeleine: It was painful to watch Brooke suffer – tell us about that?
Jennifer: Bladder infections most commonly cause symptoms of urinating frequently and in small amounts. It feels like they can’t empty their bladder so they always have the feeling that they need to urinate. But in Brooke’s case, she had struvite crystals, which physically made it painful to urinate. So much so that she would hold her urine as long as she could! She just didn’t want to urinate be- cause she knew it was going to hurt. And that starts the vicious cycle of bacteria collecting in her bladder, creating an infection.
Jennifer: I loved the science that is behind the claims of excellence. Cranimals products didn’t just say it would benefit my dog’s bladder health, it explained how it would. As a pet owner, I loved that the Cranimals company detailed why this supplement was scientifically proven to work so I understood why it would work. Other products I tried didn’t seem to have any scientific backing to their claims.
Madeleine: Do you have any trouble getting her to eat Cranimals?
Jennifer: Brooke, being a hound dog, loved the taste of the original cranimals.
I initially mixed the Cranimals powder with some plain yogurt, which she was already eating for the probiotic benefits. But as I used it more, I realized she loved the flavor no matter how I gave it to her.
Madeleine: Ramapo Valley Animal Hospital now stock Cranimals?
Jennifer: Yes, getting my colleagues on board with this new product was a breeze! They saw me suffffering constantly with Brooke’s bladder problems and were amazed with how quickly she felt better. After a month of being free of bladder problems, it was decided to recommend this product to all our patients with similar problems.
Madeleine: What health tip do you have for other animal lovers?
Jennifer: My best tip of advice is to use preventative medicine! It is always better for your pet and more affffordable for you, to prevent a health problem that it is
to treat one. I am able to prevent bladder infections for Brooke by giving her two teaspoons a day of Original Cranimals and has saved me thousands in vet bills, let alone the pain and discomfort that would come along with her infections.
Madeleine: Thank you, Jennifer and thank you, Ramapo Valley Animal Hospital.
Madeleine: What seemed different about Cranimals?
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