Page 13 - Spring 12
P. 13

 Spring is Sprung
As I sit to write this the signs of Spring and the feeling of the Earth stirring have been making their presence felt for a few weeks now. True, early promise and that indefinable scent in the air have been hidden on occa- sion by dull wintry greyness and biting cold winds. Yet it is increasingly clear that Winter has lost its hold and the vibrancy of Spring will not be checked any longer.
Tomorrow is the Spring Equinox, the festival of awakening, when once again day and night are of equal length. This is the official start of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere. The days are becoming longer and hopefully warmer from now on. The Earth is awakening again as the green returns. The energy of the life force is growing and expanding. It is almost impos- sible to step outside and not be aware of the vibrancy of new life and emerging new growth. This is the time to start throwing off the restraints of Winter and moving forwards. It is a time for growth and planting seeds, in our gardens but also the seeds of ourselves.
This emergence of Spring energy is an opportunity to look at where we are going, where we want to be and to actively initiate the changes to achieve that goal. As day and night are in balance at this Equinox it is a chance to bring ourselves into balance. The logical mind with our intuition and own inner wisdom. As Spring and the energy of growth unfold it is an invitation to begin manifesting in the conscious world the seeds of desire nurtured in the inner world of Winter.
  Jane Keogh, BAHVS Junior Vice President
If an acorn is to become an Oak tree, there must be a
moment in its existence when it stops believing that it
is a seed. If we believe in ourselves in only one way
then we limit ourselves. Our beliefs about ourselves are
based on memory and past experience. It is time to live
beyond our self-imposed limitations. The Earth calls for
a new pattern within us to awake at this time of rising Spring energy. It is time to nurture the seed of your true self and decide how you would like it to grow.
We cannot expect to create a world that we want to live in until we also become the kind of people that would live in that world.
We cannot demand governments adopt clean, renewable energy whilst we fuel ourselves on resentment, anger and exhaustion.
Now is the moment for each of us to find and follow our own unique con- tribution. To nurture the seed of ourselves, and to find the courage for the inner transition needed to face the enemy that is not outside ourselves, but within, swallowing our self esteem and paralysing us.
In the end, our greatest fear is that we don’t matter, and our greatest longing is that we do. As the energy of Spring quickens about us yet again, maybe this time we can consider letting go of self imposed limita- tions and allowing the seed of our true selves to grow and blossom. Let us become the change we want to see, for we are greater than we know.
Case presentation
Iona is a black pedigree New Foundland female, born on 8/8/1993. On December 2nd 1994 her owner, Mr Michel, living in Evette-Salbert (90350) in the region of Belfort, presented his bitch to me, hoping to avoid surgery planned two days later, because she had an osteochondritis dissecans at the bottom of her right scapulum.
Iona is a long-limbed, fine built female, gentle, playful, very sociable, apparently at ease with herself. In a dog group she doesn’t escape and neither does she look for a fight. Half an hour after commencing exercise, she limps heavily. This began 9 days ago, whilst she was playing. She was playing the fool and suddenly she came back limping and crying. She kept crying a whole minute.
Now when starting to exercise she is somewhat stiff. She stretches herself a little but doesn’t really limp along.
She was fed with commercial food for giant dog breeds with too much protein (38%), calcium and vitamins.
She likes water and somewhat rough playing. She happened to knock down her misters while playing.
When the wind is blowing strong, she puts her nose in the air and shows interested.
According to her playful and cheerful disposition as well as her long-limbed and elegant constitution, I prescribe three doses Calcarea phosphorica 9 CH (C poten- cy Hahnemanian), once weekly and Symphytum 5 CH, three granules morning and evening for10 days.
Follow up
I lost contact with Iona because her owner lives more than 200 km away. On June 21 1996 I get some news on the phone. The dog was not operated and has never limped since.
Jacques Millemann, France

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