Page 15 - Spring 12
P. 15
Iwantitexactlylikethat! –choosingCinabyEdwarddeBeukelaer,UK
Eve is a 6 year old Burmilla cat who was passed on to this elderly couple via the daughter who is a breeder. The motive for the con- sultation is unpredictable behaviour. She will sit on their laps and may suddenly hiss and scratch and bite them. Further she has not really settled in their house. She lived previously in a breeder colony and ‘was mixed up’ when she arrived in her new house.
The following is most of the consultation as told by her owners:
‘She didn’t like the male cats when she arrived. She was frightened of them. She spat at them but stood her ground. Now she plays with the younger cat but stays away from the older cat. If we talk to the older cats she comes in and we talk to her as well, there is jealousy between the older cats. When she arrived they all got in a fight straight away and we couldn’t pick her up. She is also difficult at the vets.
The old cat is my special cat, he might have been jealous. We kept her apart at night. She still doesn’t come in the living room much when the other cats are there, she doesn’t feel welcome. She will walk around the living room but not settle, she is fidgety; she comes in the living room 2 - 3 times in the evening. She avoids Henri, she goes up to him and he ignores her and she walks off. She will come up to Henri and then she drifts off. She wants to be there but she can’t.
She likes the doors to be open to go in and out. She was worse when she could not go out due to the snow. She tries to hunt but is not suc- cessful. She will follow me in the garden but not when Henri is with me. She doesn’t like to be fussed for too long. She doesn’t like elbows; she goes for my elbows when I walk by. She is vicious when she attacks us. She will go for my elbows when I am sleeveless and don’t go for them when they are covered.
She didn’t like the collar we put on her, we took it off. I trained her to stay in the grounds by walking her on the lead. She was fine with the lead. She is now frantic to get in the garden. Initially she used to growl and spit at Henri, now she never does this anymore. She knows a lot of words, she is intelligent. She knows her name but she never turns her head. When we use her name in a conversation she turns up. Initially she didn’t want to be touched. It had nothing to do with pain.
She never sleeps during the day, she is always doing something, examining, doing things, looking at things. She never rests during the day. I spend hours with her in the dining room to get her accustomed. She will sleep in the laundry with the other cats without any problems. One strange thing she does is that she will bring the fluffy small balls to us. She leaves them a few feet away from us and she yowls, is she feeding us? Are we her babies? If we don’t do what she expects us to do she gets upset and brings the little ball. She had so many homes. In the previous homes she loved the kittens. She started sitting on our laps only recently. You can’t just stroke her, you have to be conscious that she will scratch
rather than go off. When I then put her on the floor she looks cross. She bites us to make a point. (I notice that she jumps from a noise in the surgery.)
How is her attitude to the other cats?
She is nervous of him (he is big), he has chased her around. She usually sleeps in
a bed on the floor. She will sleep in Henri’s bed.
What adjectives would you use for her?
Strong, self willed, likes her own way, everything on her terms. She gets bored very easily.
She stays around us, she likes people. She is not cuddly. When she is cross, she brings something to us (we didn’t do what she wanted). When I forget to take her with me and close the door, she is very angry with me and glares at me. I then picked her up and took her to the garden and it was ok.
She will ask to go the garden, when I don’t go she is not pleased, she will stamp her boots, she has a very expressive face. Her stools are little small balls. She is not worried about food.
She hisses when it is just that little bit too much. She always lies on the right side of Mrs on top of the seat.
When the owners say: ‘She hisses when it is just that little bit too much’, a light goes on in my head and I prescribe Cina 200 two doses.
She was listless for two days after taking the remedy. Then brightened up and became a different cat. She is much calmer for 80% of the time but occasionally shows aggression when frustrated. Now she makes as if she bites but she doesn’t.
The feed-back is three years with no relapses.
The remedy
According to Mark Brunson:
Cina is about the problem of being picked: the picker and the one being picked; demanding and/or fear of not being the right choice. Problems of: acceptation/rejection and need for reassurance. Cina is always dissatis- fied, there is no rest possible.
The issue of Cina comes from the rules for being picked: to make the remedy the exact type of flowers need to be picked off the exact five dif- ferent Artemisia varieties. This creates a precise Requirement of Criterions of Choice which results in issues around rejection and requiring exactly the right thing, never satisfied, uncertain, capricious, anxiety looked at (being judged).
Disease mostly involves the organs of the senses: these parts that are involved in assessing before choosing.
Association not for months, but for years, but the value to veterinary homeopathy is inestimable, for this publication is comprehensive and provides a description of the homeopathic materia medica which is as complete as it could be, representing an unparalleled resource. While English is not the first language for many of our members, I hope this
translation will at least make this important material available to most of our non German-speaking colleagues. It will also add a large incentive to veterinarians around the world to join our Association. As the flowers in my garden begin to appear and grow, may our IAVH family continue to expand and flourish. I wish you all a smooth homeopathic journey.
IAVH General Secretary report
In the beginning of December 2011 the officer’s met for the IAVH Officer's Meeting in Sirnach, Switzerland. At this meeting we have dis- cussedstructuralandorganisationalissuesinpreparationfortheBoard Meeting in Budapest. Keypointswerefinances,ourwebsite,theMateriaMedicaprojectand the organisation of our sub-committees. We are pleased that we were able to persuade Mark Elliott to manage the Research Subcommittee.
As part of the meeting we also met Anne-Lore Seyfried, who imme- diately agreed to step in as a national representative of the IAVH in
The IAVH has organised a conference on 21/04/2012 in Budapest with international speakers in co-operation with the Hungarian Working GroupofActiveHomeopathicVeterinarians.
Liesbeth Ellinger, who was awarded the prize from the “International AcademyofclassicalHomeopathy”,willbelecturing.
We hope to welcome many members to our annual Board Meeting in Budapest on 22/04/2012.
Helene Widmann, IAVH General Secretary