Page 10 - Winter 18-19
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conventional treatment, resolved completely with homeopathic Silicea. Petra stressed the need to obtain informed consent, and to maintain a cooperative relationship with specialty clinics. Petra is developing a double-blind research project to investigate the length of time to healing in wounds treated with and without adjunctive homeopathy.
Three Swiss doctors – Franziska Blauer, Barbara Bichsel, and Katharina Gaertner – presented ‘Case Reports Illustrating Integration of Homeopathy in the Swiss Public Health System’. Homeopathy was integrated into the public health in 2012 following the referendum to specifically promote CAM in the Swiss constitution. Homeopathy costs, for the 8% of people using it, are 13% lower than for the general medical population, and homeopathy is included in the mandatory health insurance. Team approaches are valued in hospitals, and every department may utilize homeopathy, from neonatology to oncology to gerontology, providing a range of options for patients.
Banu Kantarcioglu was our last speaker for Saturday, ‘Integrating Veterinary Homeopathy into a Daily Clinic in Turkey’. Banu illustrated this with cases from practice, including video evidence of the progressive cures. Cases were varied, including a coughing cat, a lame dog, a young dog with pruritus, femoral fracture, and retinal degeneration, a cat with severe seizures, a horse with sweet itch, and a cat with feline lower urinary tract disease.
The networking dinner, with Laura Catering (that is not what it looked like in Cyrrilic) was also in the Palace of Culture, and followed the conference. The buffet was expansive and quite tasty; there were a number of vegetarian options, and the dishes handled a buffet table well. Dancing after dinner was mostly not of the traditional sort, and it was quite exuberant!
Sunday morning, Erfried Pichler discussed ‘Optional Treatment with Homeopathy for Children with Cancer’. Erfried is an Austrian GP, also practicing at a children’s hospital, where he is sponsored in his homeopathic work by the Children’s Cancer Fund. Over 60% of Austrians use homeopathy, and 100% of the children at his hospital receive adjunctive homeopathic treatment. Treatment is constitutional, with LM potencies, and side effects of cancer or cancer treatment are treated with 30 C potencies in water. Erfried presented a lovely case of Jana, a little girl with aggressive Hodgkins and a 5% prognosis for survival with chemotherapy. By using homeopathy, Jana survived the disease and chemo side effects, and a relapse with side effects; several years later she is living a normal life.
Patricia Cayado of Spain described the ‘Effect of Homeopathic Treatment on Inflammatory Mediators after Abdominal Surgery for Colic in Horses’. Patricia is an equine vet and surgeon in Spain, and presented two surgical cases with epiploic foramen herniation; these have a particularly bad prognosis. Patricia treats all of her surgical colic cases with a homeopathic combination; she often first sees the horse on the table, and cannot individualize, and needs the support staff to administer the medications. Horses treated repeatedly with the combination showed much lower levels of inflammatory mediators during the post-op period than untreated horses, and recovered better than expected.
Stefan Kohlrausch discussed his ‘Strategy in Epilepsy Treatment’. He finds it most rewarding to treat cases that have only received homeopathy, as it is easiest to find the similimum without drug effects. When patients are receiving anti-seizure medicine, Stefan continues it if it is helping, and stops it if it is not effective. Once he sees a response to the constitutional treatment, he then phases out the conventional medication.
Banu Kantarcioglu
Patricia Cayado
 Holy Trinity Romanian Orthodox Church

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