Page 3 - Spring 15
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                Committee – BAHVS President – Jane Keogh
Senior Vice-President – Mark Elliott
Junior Vice-President – Chris Day
Hon. Secretary – Stuart Marston
Treasurer – Wendy McGrandles
Magazine Editor – Malene Jørgensen
Communications Officer – Nick Thompson
IAVH Representitive – Nick Thompson
Faculty Veterinary Representitive
John Saxton
Mag distribution – Cheryl Sears
Committee – IAVH President – Peter Gregory
Treasurer – Don Hamilton
General Secretary – Helene Widmann
Coordinator subcommittee for education:
Stefan Kohlrausch
Head of IAVH Office – Markus Mayer
Newsletter subcommittee
Malene Jørgensen
IAVH Communications Officer
Nick Thompson
LIGA contact – Marc Bär
   Editor’s welcome
Welcome to the late Spring edition of the BAHVS mag. In this issue we have contributions from many parts of the globe including Russia, South Africa, USA, France, Germany and Holland – thanks to all for sharing your experiences.
Stefan Kohlrausch tells the story of a stray cat brought into his practice in southern Spain, as well as a case of bone cancer/calc flour that turned out a success.
There’s an update in the IAVH section on important staff changes along with a report of the first IAVH certificates awarded in Russia. A case from the Russian exam by Elena Shestakova is also included.
Edward de Beukelaer ‘lights the fire’ of a 4 month old ewe lamb in his Anhalonium case, as
Millimann gives us two short examples of cases of omphalophlebitis in calfs, showing the need to beware of routine prescribing.
Cheryl Sears relates ‘Adventures with Lucky the cockatiel’ and how she brought him back to health, while Marcie Fallek chooses lycopodium to treat a four year old Schnauzer diagnosed with cystitis, and Delny Britton gives ‘seven good reasons why we should not experiment on animals’. She explains why it’s time to stop causing harm to animals in the name of homeopathy in her 4 page article. This should make interesting reading for all of us.
We also have a report of the meeting earlier this year at Friends House in Euston Road, London which had energy as its main subject.
We hope you enjoy these offerings and maybe
 well as offering a ‘Turkey love story’.
BAHVS President Jane Keogh tells of the
4Homeopathy collaboration after attending their one day event and the likelihood of closer links between them and the BAHVS.
Liesbeth Ellinger provides an owner’s account of a Lac Felinum case, and Jacques
you’ll be inspired to send in some of your own stories and experiences.
On a final note, we’d like to wish our Junior Vice President, Chris Day, a speedy recovery and a return to normal duties.
Until next time, best wishes.
  Mimi & Myristica
Case presentation
Mimi is a castrated male cat, tabby & white. The owner brings him because on it’s back end, near the root of the tail he has an oval, painful and fluctuating swelling measuring about7cmx4cmx2cmwhichseemsto be the result of a fight with the neighbours intrusive cats. Mimi is quiet, affectionate, drinks only a little and lets you pet and handle him without problems.
The cat brings Pulsatilla to mind but for this abscess I prescribed Myristica sebifera CH 5; 2 granules twice a day.
The day after the abscess opens itself and seeps for 2 days an offensive, reasonably liquid pus, coloured by a little blood. The resulting wound heals nicely in a few days. Afterwards, Mimi didn’t have any problems until years later, when I saw him for loss of appetite due to a thick layer of dental calculus.
  The British Association of Homeopathic Veterinary Surgeons (BAHVS) was formed in 1981, to advance the understanding, knowledge and practice of homeopathy. It aims to stimulate professional awareness of homeopathy and to encourage and to provide
for the training of veterinary surgeons in the practice of homeopathy.
It is an open forum for differing approaches to the subject of veterinary homeopathy and it’s application, allowing for constructive interchanges of ideas.
This publication is copyright. No part of it may be reproduced without the permission of the Editor. Material published does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the BAHVS or the Editor.
The BAHVS does not necessarily endorse products or the companies advertised. 1
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