Page 10 - Summer 22
P. 10

   Acute unilateral mastitis in a heifer
María Fernández Portales, Spain •
   The case report is written by one of the GIFTS- AMR members, (Global Initiative for Traditional Solutions to Antimicrobial Resistance) – María Fernandez Portales. She is a Veterinary surgeon specialized in Homeopathy in Asturias ,Spain.
This project belongs to the JPIAMR 10th call project. Network TCM alternatives for antibiotics worldwide. For more information visit:
The following article describes a case of an acute unilateral mastitis in a heifer, treated with homeopathic Conium Maculatum
Heifer at an organic Dairy farm in northern Spain, Asturias. Previous history: trauma to right hind limb from which she had fully recovered. No previous history of mastitis.
Acute onset of mastitis. Inflammation and induration of the right quarter (picture 1). Abnormal/painful gait at walk. Milk suppression on all four quarters and altered milk composition on right hind quarter. (picture 2)
Palpation revealed induration and oedematous areas, and a painful reaction to touch & milking. Reactive right mammary lymph node. Moderate temperature (39.3C), eating and drinking. The reproductive tract was inspected for any signs of infection (recent parturition) , but did not reveal any abnormalities.
Complementary tests (California mastitis test) was performed in all quarters and yield a very positive reaction only on the right hind quarter, with an increase in Somatic Cell Count. Microbiology was not available.
Taking into consideration the clinical history and the acute unilateral onset of the pathology, primary trauma to the udder was suspected. Differentials included systemic disease, metritis, and septic mastitis. These were discarded due to the lack of any other clinical symptoms to support such diagnosis, and the overall good physical condition of the individual.

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