Page 8 - Summer 22
P. 8
continued from page 5
I make the following repertorisation:
Out of the possibilities present in this wide looking repertorisation (increase the numbers of possible medicines), I elect Apis for his strong connection, a connection he defends all the time from the other dog, to his owner. Apis also fits with the symptoms of acute inflammations...
Apis Lm9 daily
Report two weeks later: the symptoms are 60% reduced The prescription is continued.
One month later
He was clipped at the groomers and all symptoms have reappeared as before (he was still taking the medicine). (This time in the surgery, he frightens himself tripping over the scales in the room.)
On examination of the skin: there are no lesions to be seen. ‘’He was possibly better in the car. He has been rubbing is face 3-4 times per day. He was upset by it.
The going under the bed he has done this from a young age. We do not know why he does it. He will lie there for 5 minutes with his bed on top of him. Sometimes he claws his bed and hides his head in it.
When I am busy, he starts whining, he wants to sit on my lap, he wants a cuddle. He is the more insistent one to wake us up in the morning if we do not get up at the usual time. His skin goes all pink in the summer. Not so in the winter.’’
He seems quite a confident dog to me so I ask the owner: ‘’he seems quite confident, is the mother thing something to do with feeling important?’’ The owner answers with a resolute yes.
I ask if he guards the house. ‘’It is the other dog that barks most’’.
I make another repertorisation
But none of the medicines that are present inspire me.
The feeling of the case is about stability, security and also importance. I sense that this dog has a good opinion of himself.
According to Scholten: the carbons are medicines that look for the security of their person.
Out of the possible choices amongst the carbons I prefer Adamas. According to the AFADH, adamas looks for stability and perfection in this stability. When their own desires are not perfectly satisfied, they suffer.
Note that Adamas is present in spasms of the throat.
Adamas 30C, 5 days.
Report one month later:
He improved in days. He is not chewing his feet all the time anymore and he is more relaxed about sitting on my lap.