Page 21 - Summer 22
P. 21

 whole Summer at the castle. It was a luxurious, light and happy time with laughter, joy and easy living. The whole thing had a very otherworldly feeling of bygone ages (fairy- tale) but still very tangible.
The queen gifted me a pair of beautiful leather boots. Real handicraft. The last and very vivid scene was me walking alone across the wooden bridge that led from the castle over a moat, but the water was an endless calm glittering sea. The sun was shining brightly, and the sea was shimmering intensely. It was blindingly beautiful. The bridge (sturdy and wide like walking on a wooden road, nothing flimsy or unsafe about it) was built of large planks of dark hardwood, solid and beautifully made, and I was walking along it surrounded by the shimmering sea on both sides looking down on my leather boots taking steady steps on the brown wooden bridge. I could walk effortlessly forever. There were no other sounds than the sound of my footsteps.
Afterwards I wondered whether this appreciation of objects that are strong, real, handmade and of natural materials, unlike mass produced modern flimsy or plastic stuff, has to do with provings, the way travel and airports etc is said to be a general proving theme. Is this something to do with this remedy or something to do with me. I have certainly experienced it strongly before in a proving.
Physical symptoms: I have sore excoriations on my face under my nose, on my cheek and under my chin, as if my face is burnt or hurt in some way or maybe I am supposed to have a beard.
My dreams, thoughts and sensations certainly seem to have a theme of seeing, being blinded, eyes.

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