Page 19 - Summer 22
P. 19
Someone is angry with me and starts to chase me with a large dump truck size with the bucket full of gravel. I think he intends to dump it on me. I run away and jump on another, smaller vehicle like a tractor driven by a friend. We are trying to outrun the big truck by going along small and narrow paths, but it is gaining on us. I make the large truck shut off by partially waking and inserting that into the dream and we continue on along the side of a brush filled ravine. As we escape, I think about how the big truck driver could just turn it back on, so I wake myself partially enough to change the dream again, so the key flies away into the brush in the ravine.
Feelings: This dream is exciting and a little scary. I prefer the dreams where I can control the events; I think I am sleeping more lightly in those, and I feel safer. I have to change the dream, so the key is in the ravine, so that if the dream starts again we don’t get caught. We are moving so fast and smooth on our little tractor. It is more like flying than riding a bumpy tractor!
Dream Four: A college friend, Dawn, is visiting for a retirement celebration; I think it is at our house. Dawn is not quite Dawn, somehow, she is also one of our vet nurses, Cindy. My husband John is there, and not many other people. Not much of a retirement do! I don’t have any clothes on below the waist, and no one seems to notice. One of our sons is with us. At first he is an adult, then he is younger.
He is driving me somewhere, then we are back at the house.
Dawn returns some children’s books. One has pictures of endangered animals, with colour pictures of live individuals, and silhouettes for dead animals. There are several page spreads for each species, and about half of each page has silhouettes. Another is of children’s TV characters, such as Sesame Street. This book also has silhouettes, though I have no idea what those signify. I put
both books on my stack of books to read. I am curious about the silhouettes.
I go back in the room to ask Dawn what she is studying, then I wake.
Feelings: I didn’t feel embarrassed at being naked. I do like children’s books, my mum was a children’s librarian, and the house was always full of books. Of course, this all was perfectly sensible in the dream - just another meeting with someone I have, in actuality, seen twice in the last 40 years!
Second night; I had a lot of dreams, but I slept more deeply, so I only have fragments.
Fragment 1: vertical blue and yellow stripes, about as wide as my hand, about 1 meter high by 2 meters wide, in the air in front of me. Feeling: kind of restful colour pattern like the test patterns on the TV.
Fragment 2: preparing the dogs’ food; feeling hurried. Fragment 3: some difficulty in getting ready for a trip. This is a variation on one of my recurring bad dream themes of being late, getting lost, being chased. The feeling is anxiety that we won’t be ready in time
Fragment 4: I’m driving about, trying to find a parking space. I need to find it so John will have the car to drive home. It occurs to me, as I am looking for the spot, that I will have a long walk home. The car parks are rather unusually arranged for the US, more like university lots spread out between different buildings, with grass and trees around rather than the typical giant contiguous surface lots. I find a parking spot, then suddenly I no longer have a car and am standing in the car park. Feeling: puzzled - Why wasn’t I just picking John up? Where did the car go?
Prover Three
I’m in the middle of nowhere minding my own business when someone comes up to me and embraces me. I experi- enced it as a moment of bliss, and then it was all gone.
Prover Four - master prover knowing the source of the remedy.
Dream one: The fox hunt came to town. I didn’t like the way that so easily took over the atmosphere and I resented them. They had a flag with Sieg Heil written on it, which was central to their march. I got on my high horse and said my Gran was Jewish (which she actually was). I made a fuss about how terrible their flag was and forced them not to march. I felt very pleased that I had won that battle. They went from jovial to defeated. The person I dealt with was like a big jovial idiot but the rider in front was a huge powerful woman who was very confident.
Dream two: I was having to play football against a team containing some nasty people and I am useless at football especially as on this occasion there was a tiny ball. I could hardly kick the thing. However, I cheated and did a few handballs and got away with it and saved a goal. Then the ball got caught on my head and it stuck there, and I charged up the pitch. The rest of the team realised what had happened and we all charged together through the opposition. We were unstoppable all together, close to each other, charging through and scored a goal at the other end. We were fun unstoppable and did it our way and overcame some nasty people.
Dream three: I am running a veterinary practice with two others. They wanted to sell the dog food in a way that didn’t make sense, but they just wouldn’t listen. They wanted to put it on different stands in different parts of the practice. I realised there was going to be a fight over this, and it was a very unpleasant atmosphere. They were very smug and controlling. I didn’t trust that they will do a good job. I felt angry and upset and powerless. I was stuck in the situation where I had to work with people that I disliked.
Prover Five
Dream one: Sitting looking out over a bay. Everything is
continued on p18