Page 17 - Summer 22
P. 17
something thrown across the ceiling, as if something thrown into a porch hitting tiles. I thought I should get up and check.
No colours, often see them when meditating.
Heavy feeling within my body.
Constant steady motion of a boat heading somewhere in a straight line.
Stones sound was quite alarming. Could or should I do something about it? It made me question what I should do. Was it real, part of the proving experience, or something in the world that I shouldn’t be ignoring? I wasn’t sure if I should react to it or if I needed to react to it. Didn’t feel that I contributed much, didn’t have physical symptoms, didn’t dream much.
Prover 8 – master prover knowing origin of remedy
Kept thinking about what the remedy is. Images of a spear. Image of an old man.
Dream Proving 2021
It is hard to relate the dreams to the substance. There are many animals, but that might often be the case when it is vets doing the dreaming!
There is:
• a mention of endangered animals
• a ‘herd’ of people charging powerfully
• clear animal themes
• a calm beautiful glittering sea
Many dream about work.
Prover One
First dream: something about putting labels on products. Second dream: Walking along an unsealed dirt road with tall grasses/wild weeds on the side with my daughter. It was like later summer and dried/ brownish hue to the
landscape. Saw a tortoiseshell cat on the side of the track, which was injured. Felt obliged to see to it and first attempt to pick it up failed as it wriggled but then I succeeded, and it nestled in my arms and it felt nice to be cuddling the cats and helping it. I took the cat back to the clinic and put it in a cage. It had a collar and I hoped it was microchipped and we could find the owner, mend the leg (had a skin tear and swollen leg like cellulitis although the cat seemed happy). My feelings about this is that I would be praised for rescuing the cat and being a caring person – so my motive was for praise for a good job done – smug – rather than concern for the cat so much. Then there was a dog being put in a cage for a procedure later in the day. I recalled this dog had some behaviour issues and asked the child with the dog in what situations the dog did this or that behaviour? When the dog was in the cage I wondered if it was a good idea letting the owners leave, rather than doing the procedure straight away as I wanted to be sure that the dog would be safe to deal with. It looked like a very benign small shaggy dog. My feeling was more of the mundane, thinking things through, rather than fear of the dog. Then I was watching or listening to the story of one of the nurses who had been present at a religious ceremony. This ceremony couldn’t go ahead as normal due to covid meaning the lady would not receive the gold ring (it was not a marriage) and the lady was very disappointed. The nurse was explaining that this was what had happened in all the other places that they did this ceremony because of covid. Everyone was wearing white, with large veils on their heads not covering their faces. The nurse seemed to find the whole thing a bit ridiculous and laughed at one point when a veil like garland was removed from her neck as part of the service. The feeling here was just as an observer but also about just following the rules that covid has placed on us and accepting it no matter even if it seemed a bit ridiculous. Only the lady who had missed out
on the ring seemed upset. Everyone else was very calm about accepting the changes covid have created. Then at a back door at the clinic someone was hosing the large pots of plants with water. One of the pots drip trays contained a large scorpion about 10cm long which was dark at the front end and its back end/ body was more a soft pink colour with some creases in (like when something has just shed its shell and is still pink and soft or been soaking on water too long). I knew it was a scorpion. It revolted me as it looked quite disgusting all pink and soft. I didn’t want to touch it and the feeling was if we have to move it we would cover it with a glass and slide paper underneath like I would a cockroach or stinging spider rather than let it touch me. When I woke there was obstruction of the right nostril – blocked feeling at base of nose. Draining feeling briefly (post nasal drip.) and then blocked again.
Third dream: I was at work spaying a kitten but half way through had to nip home for something and took the cat and extra suture material home to finish there. On the way home had to cross a super busy multi-lane road with many cars with their headlights on, and it was dark and rainy and severe weather. It had a hectic feel but I had no worry that we wouldn’t make it across. I had to get the job done. I felt sympathy for other colleagues at work who were also under pressure to get all the jobs done. It felt hectic. Fourth dream: At work I remember lying on the floor cuddling a big shaggy border collie. It was almost a show to demonstrate how much I like animals (it felt false – compared to some of the nurses I work with who genuinely would do this where as I’m more standoffish and express my affection for animals by trying to do a good job rather than being touchy feely). Then I was in a garden and some Pacifica boys were walking down the path next to it. I was going to ignore them thinking that they may be cheeky but decided to say hello and ask them if they were having a good day (this is unusual for me) It was nice to
continued on p16