Page 18 - Summer 22
P. 18

continued from page 15
strike up conservation with them. Then I was arranging purple and silver spiral shells for decorative purposes. Fifth dream: I’m at work again and most of the medicines in the pharmacy are gone with just residual ones left on one shelf as if renovations were taking place. I’m the only one left working finishing off for the day and have 4 more appointments to see. I feel annoyed by this but pretend not to mind. I’m seeing a Rottweiler with bad skin and I am putting cream in its eyes. It has a cluster of raised hairless bumps/ nodules on its rump (4mm each and many of them). I’m thinking this is a skin infection. I’m trying to think of the easiest/ simplest way to treat all the problems with the one cream – not sure it will work. I’m almost feeling lazy about this rather than for the interests of the dog. Sixth Dream: in a big shopping mall but close to closing time so virtually no-one is there . I’m with some colleagues after some sort of meeting or product launch or party tidying up and having cups of tea. I was wondering whether we would end up locked in as it was closing time and I had to try to get my bike that someone had put somewhere so that I could bike home afterwards. I was just chatting with the others and saying don’t rush, we’ve got some time to hang around but also thinking how I might get home if I cannot get my bike. Then I’m looking for my bike working out unlocking it. I’m not alone. Then I need the loo and nip into a shop loo. A colleague dares me to go to the toilet to be silly, and for a bit of fun. I’m not keen and I don’t know what they mean anyway. It was something like peeing standing but I also don’t want to say no. (Inside I’m thinking I don’t like dares and never have and worry I might get embarrassed, but also want to enter into the spirit of fun. Then I wake up – needing to pee.) Dream Seven: There was a covid vaccine choice. Others were saying that they had had this one or that one (the common two) and I piped up saying I had had an uncommon one. Had I made the right choice?
Summary: I don’t recall ever dreaming so much about work. Especially not in this way with actual animals and operations and so many of my work colleagues turning up. It was very much day to day stuff, mundane routine things. I felt mild emotions, frustrations, and hurry at times just like a normal day would be. There were also many appearances of dogs – but no fear – still job related, work to be done. Not an emotional attachment, more a task or something to assess/ work out or even putting on a show or caring because that’s what a vet is supposed to be. It was like showing the difference between some people who actively cuddle and go all goo goo ga ga about animals (mainly nurses and a few vets) and others who are more about the job and the challenge of working out the problem regarding the case. There is a caring aspect but in a different non cuddly way, but the need to force a show of being cuddly with them to show I care.
Covid came up a lot and the whole way it is changing the way people have to do things. I felt a matter-of-fact sort of way with a kind of acceptance for the changes that we can no longer do this or that in the way we used to: towing the line and following the rules. Also, decision making and the uncertainty about whether decisions made are right or wrong as no-one knows e.g. vaccination choices.
Prover Two
Dream 1: I am at a family / friends’ dinner party. There are four tables for two, three are pushed together to seat 6. The other table is off on its own (about 10 feet away) in a large room. I am setting the tables. My socially awkward younger brother Steve will be with the group, and I plan to sit at the separate table with him. I’m not thrilled about this, as he is difficult company, but I don’t feel right about seating him with anyone else. While I am doing this, my friend Barb comes in and insists that she would like to sit with Steve. In the dream, I thought; ‘oh, that is so kind, she
has known Steve since childhood’.
Barb now asks who doesn’t like to sit with Steve. I say my older sister doesn’t, which is true, but as I mentioned, I find him difficult as well, though I don’t say this to Barb.
We rearrange the four two-person tables so that they are separate from each other, but close enough that everyone can talk, and no one is separate from a larger group. Feelings: I felt disgruntled at having to sit with Steve, and guilty for feeling like that. I was grateful to Barb for finding a better way to handle the situation. I was annoyed at whoever set up the tables originally, as it was daft. The room is big, and there was loads of space to make the set up more welcoming. I have a long-standing dislike of uncomfortable social situations, and one of the most awkward for me is figuring who eats with whom, and having enjoyable meal interactions.
Dream 2: I don’t recall the situation, but some man has just been horrible to me, physically assaulting me. I think he grabbed my arm and yanked or shook me. I think we are outdoors. I am much younger - perhaps in my mid-teens? A kind older friend, possibly one of my older sister’s friends, comes to help, shouts at the nasty man, and the nasty man goes away. I am shaking, and the friend holds me until I stop shaking. There is no sexual feeling in the dream. Feelings: I have had various versions of this dream. It is quite dark and frightening when the nasty man attacks me. The kind of assault varies, as does my response. Sometimes I wake myself up out of the dream, sometimes I run away or fight the man off. I usually wake somewhat agitated. I don’t recall someone helping me before, but it could have happened. In this version I feel safe and protected when the older friend holds me, like being inside a big warm quilt. Dream 3: I am in an open area. There are some trees in the distance. The area is rolling grass with some open pits of gravel (not massive pits), grassy trails, and ravines with some brush.

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