Page 11 - Spring 24
P. 11

 Mind weeping, always Mind, desire to be alone
This, together with the picture of a bitch that is unpleasant but still wants to be with her owner, pointed to Cyclamen: 9C every day for 10 days. 15 days later she is back to normal, no more neck pains and the mammary glands are returning to their normal size, which takes another 4 weeks.
A phantom pregnancy Jacques Millemann, France
An Afghan bitch. Medical antecedents: a hygroma of the
elbow which had responded well the Arnica 5C.
At 2 years old she was mothering toys, whining and sometimes even howling, she was digging up the floor. Her mammary glands were swollen full of milk. For the rest she was quiet, and slept a lot. Pulsatilla 30c made no difference, but, the owner later said,... ‘we coped well’.
A new episode of phantom pregnancy 3 years later. Same presentation, a little milk in the swollen mammary gland.
She is reserved like you would expect from this breed. She does not really wants to go for a walk, she wants to stay with her two soft toys. Ignatia 30c one dose, because of the intensity of the mental signs. No change.
Five months later, a small, hard nodule is found in one of the mammary glands.
Six months later, a new phantom pregnancy episode with milk production. She refuses to leave her soft toys. Based on the knowledge of Cyclamen (prefers not to abandon her duty)
Cyclamen 30c one dose.
This time, in 48 hrs, all goes back to normal, including the size of the mammary glands.
 Venomous Snake Bite update By Stefan Kohlrausch, Spain
Follow-up after 18 months (Original case in Winter issue)
The intoxication with the venom of vipera berus has a very unique pattern. Patients develop exactly at the same date of the bite every following year, similar but less intense symptoms as if bitten again.
A human collegue who had been bitten by a vipera berus as a 5 year old had reported during my teaching of snake remedies to have this horrible pain and swelling every year until when studying homeopathy he took one dose of vipera berus when he was 35years old and it never came back.
Beeing aware of this fact we have been very attentive in August 2023 when Laras bite was to have its first anniversary.
There have been no similar symptoms at all, not around this date and not before or later.
This tells me in this case that the problem has been completely resolved by one or with the combination of her constitutional remedy and vipera berus.

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