Page 21 - Spring 24
P. 21

 disconnection reactions, paralysis, dullness, irritability, anger, psychophysical
somatization, etc., may belong to Column 1.
- "The table can also be useful for: to confirm repertorisation, when we have only 1 or 2
symptoms., when the remedy is less known and understood, when we are unsure how to locate symptoms in the repertory.
- Biopathographic history
o Maggie appeared one afternoon in the garden of the house when she was about
3 months old. Since then, it has been observed that she is extremely fearful and scared. "Fear of everything": family members, children, noises, strangers, etc. She is unable to form relationships with anyone and does not integrate with other dogs. Maggie lives in a state of permanent stress.
- Maggie spends most of her time hiding under tables or beds, startle When the stimulus that triggers the fear exceeds the usual threshold slightly, involuntary urination and defecation occur by trifles and trembling. She never leaves the house.
- Maggie only approaches the lady of the house slightly.
- General Symptoms: Maggie feels cold. In winter, she tends to stay close to heat sources.
- Remark: Maggie exhibits extreme caution, shyness, and distrust, reminiscent of an
unsocialized wild animal. Upon entering the house, she hides under a bed, trembling, with normal pupils. When approached, she becomes startled, urinates, but does not attempt to attack at any time.
- Previous treatment: Maggie had previously received Phosphorus 200 C, but it was not effective.
- "Funnel" system:
o Phosphorus was ruled out a priori due to its previous prescription without
o Lycopodium and opium are predominantly hot (and "Maggie" is very cold).
o Belladonna is not considered as it lacks dilated pupils.
o It is not Causticum, as Maggie appears to exhibit characteristics more aligned
with the plant kingdom.
    continued on p20

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