Page 19 - Spring 24
P. 19

      - Control (06/15/2007)
o Benjie began eating by himself, consuming less water, and urinating 4 to 5 times
a day, exhibiting a very good mood, and returning to his usual self.
o Before, he had a few bowel movements every 2 days, but after taking Opium, he
defecates 2 to 3 times a day with stools of normal size and consistency.
o Laboratory analysis (06/15/2007)
o Hematocrit: 26%, Erythrocytes: 3.250.000 ,Haemoglobin: 7,9 g/dl
o Urea: 89 mg/dl, Creatinine: 2,03 mg/dl, FAS: 207. Inorganic phosphate 11,5
o Treatment for Anemia (for three months only)
 Decreased Hematocrit (06/21/07) Not regenerative anemia due to renal
 Erythropoietin: 100 IU/kg, administered 3 times a week (Hemax - 1000
IU/ml, 0,6 c.c. subcutaneously)
 Nandrolone decanoate: 1.0 mg/kg (Deca-Durabolin, 0,1 c.c.
subcutaneously, once per week)
 Ferrous sulfate: 100 mg/kg (Fer-in-sol, 5 c.c. every 6 hours)
- 09/25/2007 On clinical examination, Benjie was in good general condition: o Vigour and vitality: optimal.
o Activity: Normal.
o Weight: Increased
o Coat: shiny and abundant.
o Appetite: normal to increased. o Sleep:Normal.
o Bowelmovements:twoperday. o Very good overall condition.
- Control (02/20/08)
o Laboratory: Urea: 134. Creatinine: 1,90, Hematocrit: 30
o On clinical examination, Benjie was in good general condition.
o Finaly: Despite not following the previously indicated protocol for anemia, the
hematocrit increased from 32 to 39. Hydration was maintained throughout.
continued on p18

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