Page 4 - Autumn 17
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 IAVH – SIOV Conference – October 2017
  The annual IAVH conference is a collaboration between the IAVH members and the members of the host country. SIOV hosted this year, in the Novotel Fiera in Bologna. The conference featured excellent simultaneous transla- tion, and all members benefitted from sharing ideas and insights. David Bettio, SIOV president, and Edward de Beukelaer, IAVH presi- dent, opened the conference.
 Ilze Petersone, Banu Kantarcioglu, Beatrice Milleder
Beatrice Milleder (Germany) started the scientific program with a brief explanation of using Herscu’s method of using segments (signs describing some aspect of the case) and cycles (logical sequence of pathology) to aid her
case Lycopodium. This should make the repertory more reliable.
Andrea Brancalion illustrated his discussion of coaching and homeopa- thy with a case of a dog with severe paraneoplastic jaw erosion. He showed how the homeopath, by their relation- ship with the patient and the client, improve compliance and patient outcome.
Cinzia Ciarmatori (Italy) reviewed the situation of wildlife rescue centres. Financial concerns, ease of administra- tion, and the issue of antimicrobial / antiparasitic / analgesic residues in the environment and in wild animals should encourage the use of homeopathy.
Ilze Petersone treated a schnauzer diagnosed by bone marrow biopsy with autoimmune hypoplasia of haema- topoietic cells. She described her case assessment and how it led to the Ferrums and cure.
Nicoletta Messina and Silia Marucelli (Italy) discussed how we are all in a state of disease, with illness as a reaction to disease. Homeopathy, and removal of obstacles to cure strives to change the individual to restore health. This was illustrated with a Viola tricolor case and a Dulcamara case.
Report by Sara Fox Chapman
 case taking and analysis. Beatrice illus- trated this with two osteosarcoma cases. Petra Weiermayer (Austria) con- vincingly outlined the evidence basis for homeopathy, citing basic science studies and clinical trials. Much of this material is available on the IAVH website.
Beatrice Milleder (Germany) spoke about homeopathy can change the lives of animals damaged by vaccina- tion. She illustrated this with two behavioural cases and a skin/GI case.
Brigitte Hentschel (Germany) showed the excellent results she has obtained by applying the new Milk Vet Rep to clinical mastitis cases.
Futorhi Hamada (Japan) described how he has used Petroleum in four cases of tracheal collapse with signifi- cant improvement in cough.
Stefan Kohlrausch (Spain) dis-
Petra Weiermayer and Stefan Kohlrausch
   Marcela Muñoz (Columbia) showed how likelihood ratios can clinically verify repertory rubrics, by comparing the prevalence of a sign in the general population with its prevalence in the population cured by the remedy, in this
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