Page 6 - Autumn 17
P. 6
IAVH Newsletter
She had suffered with diarrhoea for two months when I see her. Campylobacter had been found in her stool several times and she even passed it on to a few of the other dogs in the house.
The diarrhoea almost responded to conventional treatment but never really got resolved. She had gone really thin. She ate dog stools, she arrived with the habit and she still tried to do it, because she was starving.
‘She was fat when she arrived. When Iwenttoseeher,shesatbyabowlof food and was not even interested in it. The diarrhoea started soon after she arrived.
She has lost a lot of weight with the diarrhoea; she is ravenous. She is thin like a cheetah but she never seemed ill with the diarrhoea.
She is very responsive and bright. She learns quickly, she already wants to work. On the walks, she does not take any notice of the other dogs and she wants to work. She is on the go all the time. She is willing, she is not over demanding – she is a nice pup. Se has a hell of a nose, she can smell a dog poo from miles away. She eats all the poo, she can find, even her own.
She could be quite independent. But she likes being with you. I taught her to be attentive. She is clever and she learns quickly. When I unclipped
her on the beach it took me 20 minutes to get her back.
She will pretend to go to for a wee, because she knows, she will get a treat, even when there is no urine, she will squat expecting a treat. None of my dogs have ever done this. She has so many accidents going to the toilet and I have to watch her all the time. She cannot control her stools.
When she came to my house it was like she has always been there. She goes up to the adult males and licks their mouths, she is a bit over the top, they are pretty good about her.’
Based on this contrast of on-going diarrhoea with weight loss but no loss of energy I prescribe Ph-ac C200 (2 doses) (Rectum, diarrhoea, weakness without). What made me go for Ph-ac was the fact that she lost loads of weight with the diar- rhoea but not her energy and liveli- ness. It is this dichotomy between these two physical symptoms that warranted Ph-ac as a remedy.
The diarrhoea stopped overnight. She relapsed 3 weeks later and with a further dose of the remedy, the problem again resolved overnight. In no time, she puts her weight back on and the whole history is soon for- gotten. She still eats dog poo although much less now.
Dear All,
Thinking about what to write for the Mag this time I thought that it would be better just to write up a small case. Even though all the networking and other political and organisational issues are important for the community another important aspect is the sharing of infor- mation.
This magazine should bulge out with cases and other information to help all to progress with homeopathy. Please also remember the Materia Medica project, which is an on-going platform for sharing our knowledge: send in any- thing you have in relation to your knowledge about remedies.
Case study
The patient is a 6 months old border collie.
News at the research page of the IAVH website
Homeopathy Research Institute and Carstens Stiftung lead the way with Research into Homeopathic Medicine.
CORE-Hom is the most comprehensive and academically rigorous database of its kind in the world, and the only homeopathy database providing information about the quality of the studies it contains. It is a collaboration between Carstens Stiftung and Homeopathy Research Database.
HRI Research Database: https://www.
Any research IAVH supports should be vetted by the HRI scientific committee, which consists of experts from around the world, who understand and participate in research in homeopathic medicine.
HRI Scientific Advisory Committee: https://www. mittee/
Please have a look.
Petra Weiermayer