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 Review IAVH Officers Meeting in Vienna
and took the chance to represent IAVH. He recommended sending a sum- mary about IAVH general activities to the LIGA. Additionally, when visiting the next congress, a priority will be the creation of a mailing list. Next year the congress will be in Ecuador.
Another important subject on the agenda was public relations for the IAVH. After giving a general view on all activities some specific tasks were defined, which will be worked out as soon as possible. For example, it is hoped that every national association will link the IAVH on their home- page. Another essential issue was the layout and print of the new flyers. The officers also agreed on a further development of IAVH presence in social media, such as Facebook. Helene Widmann organised a meeting with Thomas Zimmel, editor of the online magazine, who sponsored the officers meeting by paying the costs for accommodation during their stay in Vienna. Vet Magazin is hosted on the national websites in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Rumania, Slovenia and on an international page. Mr. Zimmel offered his support to promote homeopathic topics and news from IAVH via his websites and the weekly newsletter.
The brainstorming about the host country for the IAVH Board Meeting 2014 brought some interesting ideas. Further investigations about national structures and expected costs are necessary, so the next location can be defined at the board meeting in Nuremberg.
This officers meeting brought much concrete and practical input for intensive discussions and specific issues for the current to-do list. We look forward to present continuing results at the Board meeting in Nuremberg!
Helene Widmann, General Secretary IAVH
  On the 1st and 2nd of December, 2012 the IAVH president Peter Gregory, treasurer Andreas Schmidt, general secretary Helene Widmann and Markus Mayer from the IAVH office met in Vienna to discuss current topics regarding IAVH and to coordinate further proce- dures concerning actions, which promote homeopa- thy and guarantee the
               best possible service and benefits for IAVH members.
The financial status of the association was a major point and fortu-
nately Andreas Schmidt and the office could present a promising devel- opment of the balance of accounts after the investments of the last years. He prepared an abstract regarding the financial regulations, which will be revised by the office and Peter Gregory for the Board meeting 2013 in Nuremberg. After looking for an interested homeopath [and suit- able replacement], to continue the excellent work that Andreas as treas- urer has performed for over the years, we were extremely pleased to receive an application for the position from DVM Don Hamilton, New Mexico, USA. He will be welcomed to the Board meeting to take the first steps in what we expect to be a dynamic collaboration.
The points for the agenda for the Board meeting 2013 in Nuremberg were reviewed, as was general information on the GGTM [Gesellschaft für ganzheitliche Tiermedizin e.V.] seminar in Nuremberg and the processing of the Materia Medica project.
Several issues regarding education were discussed. The importance of standardisation of IAVH standards with other international associations as ECH [European Committee for Homeopathy] and LIGA [Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis – LMHI] is evident and will be elaborated. Another task for the subcommittee education will be the review of national homeopathic diplomas with regards to complying with the standards applicable to the IAVH certificate and the proposal of a list of IAVH teachers.
Markus Mayer came up with the idea to edit a handbook for the national representatives with all information regarding their function. The office will compile the book and present it in Nuremberg.
The collective membership is a current point of discussions in the Austrian homeopathic association, ÖGVH. To answer questions, optimize information flow and define specific points of future collaboration the offi- cers invited Dr. Erich Scherr, president of the ÖGVH and Dr. Petra Weiermayer, national representative for IAVH in Austria, for lunch on Saturday. The conclusion of the meeting was the need to provide more information about IAVH activities for the ÖGVH members, so that they can discuss the collective membership of IAVH at their next annual Board meeting in October 2013. Specific steps to reach this aim were discussed and defined.
To improve the financial possibilities of IAVH it is essential to have constant support from financially strong sponsors. To increase the income on that field the office has forwarded letters to potential sponsors in Germany, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
On Saturday evening the officers met Dr. Peter Knafl, former national representative of IAVH in Austria, to talk about the image the IAVH has in his country and about the mutual recognition of (national) education programs.
On Sunday further steps for close cooperation with other international homeopathic associations like LIGA and ECH were discussed. Peter Gregory was invited to the LIGA congress 2012 in Japan as a speaker
Office report
Currently the IAVH has 640 members. Next year about 100 collective members from Japan and approximately ten collective members from Spain will be expected to join as well as two new members from Germany and one new member from Austria and Thailand respectively.
The next Board meeting takes place within the 13th International Congress for holistic veterinary: Sunday, April 7th 2013 in the Caritas- Pirckheimer-Haus, Nuremberg.
Furthermore we would like to invite you to attend our MMHV-Workshop on Saturday, April 6th 2013 in Nuremberg from 2.00 - 4.30pm. Take part in constructing an international MMHV [Materia Medica Homoeopathica veterinaria]. The aim of this dynamic project is to share the development of veterinary homeopathy with other members from different countries.
You can find more information about the IAVH at our website or by contacting the IAVH-office, Phone: +49 7664 40363820, e-mail address:
Sina Perl, IAVH office
 Collection of books goes to the University of Cordoba
We were able to make contact between Jack Hoare (UK) and Isabel Serrano (Spain) thanks to the IAVH mailing list. Jack wanted to know that his collection of books on veterinary homeopathy would be put to a good continuing use. The veterinary medical faculty of the University of Cordoba was found as a worthy recipient and we wish our Spanish colleagues much joy and new knowledge from the books. Also many thanks to Jack for his donation!
Markus Mayer, IAVH office

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