Page 19 - Winter 12/13
P. 19

      The End of The World is Nigh – Jane Keogh, BAHVS Junior Vice President
Well, if you are reading this it is safe to assume that the world did not end on 21st December 2012. This date has been heralded as the end of the 5,126 year Mayan Long Count Calendar and also the end of the penultimate stage of the 26,000 year Galactic cycle. For some people this has been seen as the complete ending of our planet (again) and others feel that it is the start of Armageddon and have stockpiled accordingly. I am not convinced on either count – hence my optimism in writing an article that I
am assuming you will be around to read. However, I am aware of a shift in energy, both in individual lives and in the planet that has been gathering momentum over this last year. Perhaps this is less an ending of our planet and
more a major shift in consciousness. Whatever your beliefs, on this subject or generally, I have no doubt that a moments reflection will bring awareness of the upheaval in peoples lives that seems to be happening all around us. Relationships, careers, family life, all thrown up in the air like a pack of playing cards. Perhaps it is the nature of our calling that we meet people, whose lives are in turmoil and recognise the reflection of that mirrored in their animal companions. Yet it seems to be more than that; I see the same chaos happening in the lives of friends and family and indeed within myself. It is as if the past has been thrown at us to be dealt with now and the suppression of our dreams and passions for the sake of “common sense” and “food on the table” is no longer
destruction – fracking, nuclear disasters, chemical and oil spillages, the recent tragedy in Newtown -Connecticut, the troubles in Syria, the list goes on.
Yet the message from ancient writings, channelling and intuitives are persistent and positive, despite the apparent chaos, individual- ly and globally. There are old prophesies of “a thousand years of peace” and “a new Golden Age” that will emerge at this time. The human race, it would appear, is experiencing a shift in consciousness that will take it from the end of our old world, as we have known it, into a new beginning; a kind of personal and global awak- ening. Some speak of Homo sapiens becoming Homo luminous.
I have no idea, how true these predictions are and I doubt, if the 21st December will dawn with a thunderclap and a chorus of angels. Or at 11.13 GMT to be precise, apparently the exact time that the Galactic Cycle and the Mayan Long Count Calendar will end on the 21st. By the time you read this, I may have to eat my words.
Yet whether there is any truth or not in the many predictions made about the 21st December 2012, there is no doubt that the lives of those around us are being thrown into disar- ray and thanks to global communication we can see similar experiences happening across the world to individuals and to the planet.
It seems that we are having to deal with and process past issues and unresolved stumbling
for your truth can take courage. However, there is an increasing feeling of excitement and of opportunities to come.
It seems to me, now more than ever that we have a real opportunity to step into a future of our choosing. Winter is a time of going within, of planting seeds in the darkness of our being, so that they have a chance to take root and send up shoots as the sun returns to the land. Take time during the cold short days of winter to get in touch with your dreams, to make inner journeys for wisdom and understanding. This is the season for the incubation of plans and ideas, so that as the sun’s energy returns and Spring hovers in the air, these dreams and plans can begin to manifest.
This Solstice – and the strange energy that it brings, will continue to be felt even as you read this – is a time to birth our visions, to make the changes in our lives that will honour our truth. If we have the courage, it is time to stand tall for, what we believe and to let go of the fear that keeps us small. A thought that echoed strongly for me is that this is not about fighting the dark; it is about shining our light. If each one of us can allow our individual light to shine, then as an association the BAHVS will bring light to healing. And beyond that, as part of a worldwide network via IAVH, if all of us across the planet hold to our truth and express it without fear and apology, then we will create a web of light that
 acceptable. All this seems to be happening very fast and it is clearly a rocky ride for many.
On a wider level, the planet is experiencing natural disasters, storms, earthquakes, tsunamis, drought, flooding, on an unprece- dented scale. This is before we look at the man- made crises of war and environmental
blocks in our lives and re-assess ourselves on a fundamental level, all in double quick time. It is not a comfortable ride, yet I have a strong feel- ing that we will enter calmer waters in 2013. For those of us that choose to move forward, there will be a chance to start living our truth. Some will refuse the challenge, for standing up
will shine for all to see. All, we have to do as individuals, is shine our own light and like rip- ples on a pond, the effect will spread outwards to touch all.
Now that has to be worth surviving the end of the world for and maybe puts us on the path to becoming Homo luminous.
    Calendula and Tick Bites
by Sara Fox Chapman, USA
In the United States, we have a lot of ticks. Most of the time, animals (and people) bitten by ticks have a mild inflammation at the site, where a tick has been removed. Some individuals seem to have a much stronger reaction to tick bites and some ticks seem to provoke a stronger reaction with considerable swelling, pain, and even at times, discharge. I usually have a very strong reaction to the bites of deer ticks. In the past, I have at times used Ledum, when animals have a strong tick bite reaction; sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn’t.
I will often take a remedy before I study it, as a means of experiencing the remedy; this is a self-proving. I take the remedy twice daily in a 30 C potency for a maximum of six doses, or until I develop some definite symptoms. In May 2011 (during tick season), I did a self-proving of
Calendula. The most significant occurrence dur- ing the proving was that after the third dose I received a deer tick bite and I did not develop my usual severe reaction. No other significant changes were seen during the proving. Later in May I was bitten by a deer tick and developed my typical strong reaction with pain, swelling, and drainage. I did not take Calendula at this time, and the inflammation resolved in three days. In the beginning of June I was again bitten by a deer tick; when a severe reaction occurred, I immediately took Calendula and the reaction subsided within hours. I have used Calendula several times in the last two years (most recently during a warm spell in November 2012) and each time the reaction subsided within hours.
When I saw how well this worked for my own tick bite reactions, I started using it when ani- mals had painful or unpleasantly discharging tick bite reactions. It could be argued that this is sup- pression. I would rather give one dose of
Calendula than have an animal damage them- selves by chewing or scratching; I also would prefer to give clients an alternative to antibiotics or steroids. I have not needed to use more than two doses in animals, and I have never used more than one dose in myself. My own reactions appear to be getting less severe, as I only felt that one tick bite reaction was severe enough to warrant treatment in the last six months. I am not certain yet if the animals upon whom it has been used are more or less likely to have tick bite reactions but the clients I treated last year have not reported recurrent tick bite reactions this year. I think this is an
interesting example of how performing self provings can expand our knowl- edge of remedies, and even reveal new uses for remedies.

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